I always wanted…should have been more specific
lily Tomlin I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific. ~ Lily Tomlin
I saw this on a bloggers post that I follow and just loved it. http://wp.me/p3moai-CB
They say in A Course in Miracles studies that when you ask the universe for what you want, be specific. Don’t just say I want enough money. Say you want an abundance of money so you can afford to really live life to its fullest without any monetary limitations. Don’t just say I want to met the man of my dreams. Say I want to met a handsome, well established, calm, sweet, caring, loving, giving, spiritual, heartwarming, sincere, carefree, funny, sarcastic, beautiful guy to spend the rest of my life with. It’s not enough to just give a general statement of a desire. We deserve that our true desire be given. No miracles are too difficult and there are no order to miracles. It doesn’t mean we are supposed to settle. Oh ok I got a job I like, doesn’t pay me enough but I like it. NO DREAM BIGGER!!! TELL THE UNIVERSE, BE SPECIFIC. We all deserve our dreams to come true.
Say it, think it, feel it, believe it