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Tag: Alpha Lipoic acid

Combo pill offered for high dose biotin and alpha lipoic acid

Combo pill offered for high dose biotin and alpha lipoic acid

I was informed by my friend that my pharmacy now makes a combination pill. It’s the same three pills a day, but it now has in addition to the hundred milligrams of biotin, 400 mg of the Alpha lipoic acid. You can click on the pill bottle on my webpage or you or you can click on the link I provided below. Alpha lipoic acid has been studied to help in secondary progressive MS. Studies in animal models…

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Application for high dose biotin (MD1003, Qizenday) withdrawn from European Market

Application for high dose biotin (MD1003, Qizenday) withdrawn from European Market

I found this article that in December of 2017, the application for high dose biotin has been withdrawn from the European market. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has been examining data on high dose biotin (MD1003, Qizenday) since the application was accepted in September 2016. At a meeting last week, the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) concluded that the clinical data from two trials that enrolled 253 patients was not sufficient (link is external) to…

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Alpha Lipoic Acid and MS a patient’s view

Alpha Lipoic Acid and MS a patient’s view

On December 13, 2016, I wrote a blog about Alpha Lipoic Acid and multiple sclerosis. On July 3, 2017 this article was published in medical news today. Ive been talking alpha lipoic acid now for 7 months. I still take 2 600mg pills a day. One in the morning and one at night. Alpha lipoic acid started about 3 months after starting high dose biotin. Another Vitamin shown that in high doses has stopped disease progression. Since both biotin…

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High dose biotin for MS month 6

High dose biotin for MS month 6

I just finished my six month taking high dose biotin. I’m taking 300mg per day as was done in the MS clinical trial. You have to get this higher dosage from a specialty pharmacy. I get mine from Ace Pharmacy online. I was hoping to have a link on my side bar from Ace pharmacy, but I we haven’t linked up yet. This is the website. You can call and speak to them, the people there are extremely knowledgable and…

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My current list of medications for my MS

My current list of medications for my MS

With any chronic Illness, I think our medicine cabinet becomes a small pharmacy. I thought I’d give a list of what I am taking for my multiple sclerosis, the dosage and the reason. I’ve included links to my other posts if I have information that I thought was useful on a particular drug or vitamin. This post is an added plus for me. I can print and give to doctors instead of rewriting each drug I take on their medical…

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High dose biotin going on 5 months patient thoughts

High dose biotin going on 5 months patient thoughts I submitted a link to the biotin research/clinical study that showed that it may be helpful in people with progressive forms of multiple sclerosis. I am writing from my own perspective from taking the medicine. this excerpt is from a past blog post of mind explaining what my doctor has noticed  I get a 100mg pill I take 3 times a day from Ace pharmacy . I just completed my 4th month somewhere in the middle of my…

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Multiple Sclerosis not bad, considering…

Multiple Sclerosis not bad, considering…

Look at my last few weeks…I was gearing up for the holidays, got this puppy, go away for Christmas, my beloved dog Boomer died, I spiral into a complete depression, cried everyday for a week plus but my multiple sclerosis symptoms are relatively the same. Are they better? No, but they aren’t worse. Multiple Sclerosis isn’t directly linked to stress, but it never failed for me when I’d have high periods of stress, about one month later, BANG MS ISSUES….

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Alpha Lipoic Acid and multiple sclerosis

Alpha Lipoic Acid and multiple sclerosis

At my neurologist appointment she wanted me to start taking Alpha Lipoic acid 1200mg a day.  She explained that like the biotin study I talked about It was shown to help patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. The vitamin is inexpensive. I got a bottle of 600mg on Amazon for $14.99. I take 2 a day. I just started yesterday. Like anything I will keep you updated to anything I’ve noticed both good and bad with my own MS symptoms. I…

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