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Tag: ms fatigue

A family gathering always worth it

A family gathering always worth it

I had a Bar Mitzvah yesterday. That’s when a boy (Bat Mitzvah for a girl) turns 13 and becomes an adult in the Jewish religion. It was my 1st cousins son’s event. I was at her Bat Mitzvah 28 years before. Ok that’s one way to put the whole age thing into perspective. Dressing in simple clothes is overwhelming adding the fancy outfit and full make up…Well I gave myself plenty of time to work in stages to hopefully prevent…

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Forks over Knives Vegan Chef Del’s Mushroom Stroganoff

Forks over Knives Vegan Chef Del’s Mushroom Stroganoff

Anyone that knows me knows I don’t cook. I just don’t like it but I know my way around the kitchen. As my multiple sclerosis worsened cooking became even more difficult. I have limited time I can stand on my feet, over a stove or cook top. I also have limited time I can cut and chop before my hands fatigue. Many times I will prepare a dish only to not be able to eat because my hands literally cannot…

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The good days verses the bad days

The good days verses the bad days

I was asked today by my physical therapist how are you? I am sure anyone with a chronic disease thinks this is a loaded question. Actually a good friend of mine called me the other day and said, “I’ve learned so much about you and what you deal with on a daily basis from reading your blog. I never knew. Some of it makes me laugh, some makes me feel so bad that I can’t help you, but I never…

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A year since I was put on disability

A year since I was put on disability

Should I say Happy Anniversary to myself? It was an after work doctors appointment January 21, 2016 when he said “ENOUGH”. He knew since the summer before I was getting worse, I was the one in denial. On January 22, 2016 I called my job and said my doctor is putting me out on disability and I never was back.  I kept pushing and pushing to continue to work. I was working part in the building and part at home,…

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The multiple sclerosis exhaustion point

The multiple sclerosis exhaustion point

It’s amazing how a day can turn. There comes a point in the evening with multiple sclerosis my body just has enough. My daughter has learned this point well over the years. It’s when she asks me a question or tells me she needs something at 8-9 at night but my mind and body is fond and shut down. Instead of responding like a normal human being I loose my marbles on her. That happened a little early last night…

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This sh$t ain’t easy

This sh$t ain’t easy

let’s be real here, if things were going well, I’d still be working. I’d go to work everyday, be around different people, be challenged, strive to be the best and probably be like 76% of the world, stressed out. However, I’m not well, I’m not stressed out like the 76% but my life isn’t easy.  I love the look I still get from some people when I tell them I don’t work anymore. You can see their mind questioning you…

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Life goes on…

Life goes on…

Well the little puppy makes life coordination much more difficult. Now on school days if I want to workout alarm is set for 5:45. Daughter gets puppy from that time until 6:30. I get 45 minutes to myself to workout, brush teeth, get coffee and pee basically. Then I take puppy so she can finish getting ready for school. Yes I could put her back in her crate, I know that. The reason I don’t is because most of my…

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Too tired to blog

Too tired to blog

I haven’t slept well in 2 nights and we all know how great that goes with multiple sclerosis. I know why but don’t know if I’m ready to say it yet. I bit off more than I can chew at the present moment. Something I always wanted to do but it required a lot more than I realized. However it’s too late now I made a commitment. I don’t want to hear the I told you so from the people…

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Multiple sclerosis; myths and facts

Multiple sclerosis; myths and facts

Multiple Sclerosis has a lot of false information out there. Today I felt like talking about the Myths vs the facts of MS.  I got this from  My thoughts are written in red.   MYTH: MOST PEOPLE WITH MS ARE DIAGNOSED AT AN ADVANCED AGE. FACT: Most people are diagnosed with MS between the ages of 20 and 50. Though less common, MS can also appear in young children and teens, as well as much older adults. I was diagnosed…

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Multiple Sclerosis silent symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis silent symptoms

MS fatigue one of the most difficult symptoms to explain and deal with. 80% of all MS patients deal with this at some point or another. Fatigue is way past a feeling of tired is to the point of absolute exhaustion. It’s the feeling that each limb is 100lbs heavier than it is. Just walking the few steps to a bathroom is daunting and overwhelming. It never fails you’ll be talking to a friend and you’ll say I’m tired (meaning…

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