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Tag: ms fatigue

Understanding the daily struggle with multiple sclerosis

Understanding the daily struggle with multiple sclerosis

First let me start off by saying this is at my stage of the disease and my stage of the progression. It is not everybody’s MS path nor is it where you will surely be if your newly diagnosed. Everybody’s multiple sclerosis is different. On Valentine’s Day weekend in 2017 it will be 19 years I’ve had MS. It’s been a long time. I could be 1000 times worse and even though I struggle every single day, understand that I…

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That’s ok I’m happy

That’s ok I’m happy

I dropped my $100 Aria scale yesterday which shattered on the floor into a million pieces because of my hands with ataxia but that’s ok I’m happy. I stepped on my old Aria scale I have to find out I’m currently up 8lbs so I need to reign that in really fast but that’s ok I’m happy. I went to physical therapy this morning and I’m a little wiped out and it’s only 11:00am but that’s ok I’m happy. I’m…

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Saturday morning multiple sclerosis week in review

Saturday morning multiple sclerosis week in review

Good morning. I first have to say what a beautiful day in New York. The sun is bright shining into my house spreading love and happiness throughout. Yesterday my daughter received an email from Lynn University that she was accepted to the college with a Dean’s scholarship. It was so exciting for everyone in my family but it was also so reassuring for her. This college is in Florida and it would be my first choice for her. It is…

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Multiple sclerosis pity party

Multiple sclerosis pity party

Pity party blog today. I’m just angry today. I wrote my whole blog already was ready to post it but my hand that holds my iPad started to fatigue and my finger hit the settings button on the side panel…lost everything I just spent 30 minutes writing. What did I do wrong? I exercise six days a week. I try to eat somewhat healthy. I take my medicines. I still get worse.   I don’t know what else to do….

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Lack of sleep, fatigue and MS

Lack of sleep, fatigue and MS

It was one of those nights. I was up all night. I had a little bellyache. I ate Chinese food, I never eat Chinese food.  My belly didn’t agree with the Chinese food. Instead of going into the details of why I was going on all night let’s discuss the details of sleep. The average American sleep 6.8 hours a night. The average MS patient probably needs a good 12 hours a night.  I’m willing to bet they don’t get…

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Newly diagnosed with MS

Newly diagnosed with MS

If you’re newly diagnosed with MS chances are you have in the middle of coming off of having some sort of attack or relapse or whatever you want to call it where you got sick and your diagnosis was made to be MS.  At this point is usually shock. And I’m sure you come home from seeing the doctor and go right onto the Internet looking up everything you can possibly look up for MS. But let’s start at the…

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Yesterdays blog was a complete crock of sh@t

Yesterdays blog was a complete crock of sh@t

At the time I probably meant when I said all that positivity stuff but it didn’t take long for it to go right out the window. I do try mostly to follow a very positive lifestyle but sometimes the MS just gets to me I get overwhelmed and things go downhill fast.  My day didn’t really start good even before I wrote that post. During my exercise I wasn’t in a good mood I wasn’t happy with my program I…

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What is MS?

What is MS?

I remember 18+ years ago being at that neurologist office when my entire left side of my body wasn’t functioning. I couldn’t really walk, I had muscle atrophy, numbness, weakness and gait difficulty. The doctor asked if anyone else in my family had MS. He knew before the MRI was even done. I sat crying in a chair as my mom leaned in front of me and said “everything was going to be ok”. We got in the car to…

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A casual stroll along the boardwalk

A casual stroll along the boardwalk

I did something yesterday I haven’t done in at least 15 years.  I went down to Long Beach and went down the boardwalk. I met a friend who lives right on the ocean front in one of the many beautiful buildings down in Long Beach. She met me on her scooter. Took me to park my car. Put together my scooter and away we went. We went down to from her building to the west ends end of the boardwalk….

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Ahhhhh who expected that gift

Ahhhhh who expected that gift

I woke up today in a bad mood. My body is run down, I’m tired, I was sad just not happy.  I decided not to overdo my workout today which for me is actually a big thing. I only did Zumba for 30 minutes. Now I just want you to have a visual of what happens when I do Zumba  I try to stand up for 3 songs. Mind you my feet can’t move because I have no balance and…

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