Cutting vacation short
Unbelievable but I’m leaving today instead of a Sunday. There is inclement weather in NY for the entire weekend. JetBlue even put on their website that if you were traveling into or from one of the airports they expect will be problems you could change your flight for free. Leaving from Cancun on JetBlue has one flight per day. Every day the planes were just about booked but today or Thursday. My daughter has to get back Tuesday to college for Wednesday classes. We either left today or gambled on Sunday. I couldn’t gamble. Neither could my sister and her husband so we are all leaving. Tonight was the night we were celebrating their 40th anniversary with a special dinner on the beach. It was a very somber evening when we made the decision. My mom and step dad are staying but they had more flexibility than us.
It’s amazing the last time I went on vacation, somewhere other than Florida, I also had to cut it short. It was just over 6 years ago when my little sister flew me out to California to stay with her for a week. I left after 3 days. That was when hurricane Sandy hit NY. It was a good thing I left for that event because where I lived flooded. I lost my car in that hurricane but was fortunate to have an upstairs apartment. My landlords lost everything.
This snow storm isn’t looking like it will amount to much in my area but it is about the airport and planes. My guess is my mom and stepdad will get home Sunday without issue. My daughter and I will be back in NY in the 33 degrees by tonight. I’ve been freezing in the 76 degrees in Mexico however at least at home I’ll be appropriately dressed.