Family comes in all forms

Family comes in all forms

Sometimes some of the closest people to you might not be related to you. Many people have friends in this position or people they met when they were very young but never lost contact with. I’m fortunate to have that with a few people myself. I have that with my ex boyfriend’s family and with my aid.

My extended family from my ex is so good to me and I truly love each of them. I was always close with them and still am. They came over yesterday and spent the day in my pool. We had such a nice day together. These people are my family. I’d do anything I can for them, they’d do anything for me. It is so nice to have people like that in your life. They aren’t my blood relatives but they are my family. I still call her mom, sister, uncle etc. I almost backed away from them after the breakup but it was him who said “why would you turn away from people who love you?” I’m so glad I didn’t and I’m so glad they didn’t.

My aid is my other one whose become part of my family. She’s been with me for over 3 years. When you are with someone 5 days a week 8 hours a day you talk and you become close. I’m old enough to be her mother and I give her guidance in her own life. I care about her personal growth and wealth as much as I would my own daughter. I am very involved in her life as she is in mine. I love her. She is part of my life a friend who I couldn’t live without.

Blood doesn’t always make a family. I’m lucky because I have an amazing blood family also but I’m so fortunate for those other people in my life who are also my family. I just felt lots of love today and wanted to share it. ❤️❤️❤️

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