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Tag: department of motor vehicles

The hard day is done

The hard day is done

I made it through the day yesterday but barely. I was absolutely shot by the time I got home. I got everything I wanted accomplished. I officially have handicap plates on my van. They almost didn’t let me get them. I had a copy of the original DMV doctor form. I didn’t think and grabbed the copy. According to the rules they don’t accept copies. The supervisor finally came over and did a visual confirmation and accepted the form. I…

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A very busy day

A very busy day

Today is a jam packed day. It’s one of those days that really pushes my multiple sclerosis body to the edge. I still start off with my morning workout because workouts aren’t optional. Then I have to be at the department of motor vehicles by 11:30. I have an appointment so hopefully I won’t be waiting too long to get called. I’m also hoping the transition goes smoothly for getting the handicap plates. I have the form from my doctor…

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Time flies by

Time flies by

March is a busy month for me starting right out of the gate. I have plans to see people this morning, this evening, tomorrow and Friday. I love having a social life but it always seems to fall into the same week. I have my long hair appointment this week, Cut and color. I never miss my color but haven’t done a cut in a while. Letting my hair grow out some but it now has no style. No matter…

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