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Tag: ms fatigue

My first cold since starting Ocrevus

My first cold since starting Ocrevus

You might be asking, why does it matter that I’m taking Ocrevus and I have a cold? It’s important to remember what Ocrevus does. Ocrevus depletes B lymphocytes, a white blood cell in our immune system. Ocrevus is an autoimmune suppressing drug. Something as simple as a cold, may not have the same effect on me as it does the person I caught the cold from. For me, this cold has put me in an psuedo-MS attack. A pesuedo-attack is…

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Uh oh, I’m getting sick

Uh oh, I’m getting sick

My favorite person came home from college last Thursday with a terrible cold. Poor thing was so sick. I wasn’t even sure it was just a cold. I thought she could perhaps have a sinus infection. However come Sunday the pressure in her head was somewhat better and she didn’t want to go to the doctor. I thought I was being careful around her so I didn’t get sick but alas, she shared my giant jug of water I always…

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Fall has finally come, my MS thanks you

Fall has finally come, my MS thanks you

I think it’s finally official, the fall has finally come to New York. For all those who don’t believe in global warming him, it was 77° in New York yesterday and it was warm and humid. It was gross. For people with multiple sclerosis, or at least me with multiple sclerosis, it’s the worst weather I can deal with. I wait every year to get through the summer and it just seem like this one never would end. My air…

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My week with a cup half empty

My week with a cup half empty

Happy Friday to everyone. All is right in the world again. I am awake, although slightly reluctantly. I’m on my couch with a dog on either side of me. My daughter is home for the weekend. I saw her for a total of 10 minutes yesterday, from the train station back to house before she left again. That’s ok, I’ll see her today. I have an aide coming today. I’m going to get some soup cooked and maybe a vegan…

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Thursday dilemma

Thursday dilemma

Woke up to my phone ringing at 6:45. Thinking that it could be my daughter, I rolled to the floor instead of fighting with my stomach and arm muscles to put me in a sitting up position. By the time I got to the phone the answering machine picked up but my phone announces who is calling so I knew it wasn’t my daughter.  They didn’t leave a message but by the name, I realized it was the aide they…

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No, I’m not lucky

No, I’m not lucky

There’s a reason I have an aide for eight hours a day. There’s a reason I don’t work anymore. Sometimes I feel like I’m running a scam, that I should be working or I don’t need an aide eight hours a day. Especially when someone says lucky you. Let me explain something to you and myself, I’m not a lucky girl.  I’m not a lucky girl that I’m on full disability and don’t work. I’m not a lucky girl that…

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Damn fatigue a short blog post

Damn fatigue a short blog post

I’ve been so tired lately. I hate this feeling. I have been napping every afternoon for a few months now. Not always a long nap but at some point my eyes just have to close. The last few weeks have been really rough. I’m just wiped out doing anything. I had therapy today. I just am spent. I really want to crawl back into my bed and stay there for the day but I won’t. I’ve blogged everyday since I…

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Urinary tract infections and MS

Urinary tract infections and MS

I worked in a nursing home for 13 years. I was in finance but I was in charge of the census daily. The census was how many people were currently in the home. It showed any new people that came in and anyone that left. It also showed diagnosis of these individuals. Urinary tract infection, UTI, would send more elderly people to the hospital than you could imagine. UTI in the elderly can actually look like early Alzheimer’s disease. They…

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My neurologist check up 9/2017

My neurologist check up 9/2017

Technically I’ve had Multiple Sclerosis for 20 years at this point. I had my first case of optic neuritis in the summer of 1997 but I wasn’t officially diagnosed until February 1998. Doesn’t really matter at this stage of the game but it is why, like I said in my post yesterday, I don’t prepare for my neurologist appointments. Yesterday I saw my neurologist that diagnosed me in 1998. I remember back in the beginning at my check ups I’d…

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Preparing for your neurologist appointment

Preparing for your neurologist appointment

There are steps recommended to prepare for your doctor appointment. Write down any new symptoms you’ve been experiencing if this is your ongoing doctor or all symptoms if this is a new doctor. Bring any test results you’ve received from any other doctors even if you don’t think they aren’t relevant. Have a list of all the medicine you are currently taking which should include anything non-prescription as well. Make a list of you questions or concerns before hand. If…

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