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Tag: ms fatigue

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

I am still making shocking improvements. I walked my hallway in PT. I haven’t done that since last year. I at one point had a goal to not use the wheelchair in the condo anymore. As much as I would like to believe this is still an attainable goal, it is far down on my goal list. I was amazed I have been able to walk again at all. It took almost 30 minutes to walk roughly 50 feet,…

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Still exhausted

Still exhausted

I woke up yesterday and felt really good. I got up, into my wheelchair and I finally was able to stand on the scale. I held my my balance for a split second allowing the scale to actually show an accurate number. I was 138, fully dressed. I never weighed myself dressed. That is 3lbs from my ultimate weight goal. A goal I never even thought was going to ever really happen. Well I guess there is something to say…

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A week off

A week off

I’m not grey anymore. My daughter dyed my hair yesterday. A grueling experience. Not because of her, but I had to sit in my wheelchair for an hour. I have been really tired this week. On Monday I wrote I blogged I wasn’t having any reactions to my Rituxan infusion. Today I have to admit I might be having a reaction to my Rituxan infusion. I am definitely feeling run down. What is really worse is my hands. I’m not…

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A real workout from bed

A real workout from bed

I’m happy to report I haven’t felt any side effects from the infusion the other day. I might feel slightly more tired but it hasn’t stopped me. On both Saturday and Sunday, I did an actual workout from my bed. I put on one of my favorite cardio exercises programs from YouTube. It is a workout from Adapt to Perform. I had my Bionic Gym on at a high intensity, picked up a pole and turned on my…

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Rituxan Infusion Successful

Rituxan Infusion Successful

Well I finally was able to take my MS meds again. Last time was January 19. That was Kesimpta. I made the decision to go back to Rituxan after using Kesimpta for six months. I had 3 UTI’s, Covid and a pneumonia within that 6 months. I didn’t think it was the drug for me. I have had issues with Rituxan in the past, skin issues. I can’t say all my infusions have been smooth sailing. I just never needed…

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Things need to change

Things need to change

I actually got out of bed and ate dinner at the table last night. I am tired of being in this bed. I might not have endurance. I might not be able to take a step. I can usually transfer to my wheelchair with some assistance. Key word is assistance. The aides that I currently have, that “assistance” is questionable. My weekend aide is lovely but her English isn’t good. I would have to translate instructions to her for everything….

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A lump in the bed

A lump in the bed

My life has changed a lot in the past few months. I went from independent to completely dependent. I can’t do the simplest of things anymore. I can’t just get in my wheelchair and open the refrigerator for my ice coffee. I can’t just grab a sweatshirt from my closet. Hell I can’t even fix my sock when it gets turned around on my foot. A very big pet peeve of mine. I was limited in my dependence prior to…

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Exercise, standing and Bionic Gym

Exercise, standing and Bionic Gym

I am very weak. My legs can’t hold me up for long. PT has been working on just getting me up and standing. I never thought something so simple would be so hard. Let me tell you, it is so hard. I try to sway back and forth shifting my weight as I hold onto a walker. I had to sit down again because I have no endurance. One day I was able to get back up once. The other…

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Multiple Sclerosis symptoms worsen

Multiple Sclerosis symptoms worsen

I’m better. No more fevers. My breathing is back to normal. I’m completely done with antibiotics. I have no more signs of the pneumonia. Great news. Yes it is. Yet the aftermath is as I expected. I was weakened from being in a bed for 1 1/2 months on top of my multiple sclerosis symptoms worsening. I had no time to adjust to my new body because I was so sick. I wasn’t focusing on my MS while I had…

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After the hospital, leaving the new me…

After the hospital, leaving the new me…

I’ve managed to stay home since my last hospital release on March 5th. Please forgive my silence, it has taken me a while to adjust to the new me. I came home and I was still running low grade fevers up until recently. I’d wake up feeling achy most days. It is hard to try to work on strengthening your body when you feel yucky. I truthfully couldn’t get my head in the right space. I know all the positivity…

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