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Tag: neuropathy pain

Busy Day

Busy Day

I’m actually writing this on Thursday evening. I had a long day. Since the change in my aides shifts, I am up at 7am. This morning I was up at 5. I had one of those MS symptoms that plague me whenever it is a inconvenient time. My feet were in pain. More like my heels. I felt like pins were simultaneously sticking into both my heels at the same time. Neuropathy. I know it well, but this time it…

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High dose biotin for MS month 6

High dose biotin for MS month 6

I just finished my six month taking high dose biotin. I’m taking 300mg per day as was done in the MS clinical trial. You have to get this higher dosage from a specialty pharmacy. I get mine from Ace Pharmacy online. I was hoping to have a link on my side bar from Ace pharmacy, but I we haven’t linked up yet. This is the website. You can call and speak to them, the people there are extremely knowledgable and…

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