Red park and the Four Agreements
It’s 62° in New York today and tomorrow we are getting 3 to 5 inches of snow. By the weekend will be seeing 26°, a possible snowstorm on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as cold temperatures with a high of 40° . But in the 62° weather I’m driving around with my sunroof open my windows lowered and my music blasting. People looking at me as if they’re expecting some 18-year-old kid in the car and they are shocked when they see at some 45-year-old woman blasting some ridiculously loud music. It’s usually Linkin Park or Red blasting from my car. I use to have the license plate U2hearts for U2/two hearts off of the War album. For about 10 years I had that plate I gave it up when I got my new car. I’ve been thinking of getting a new plate again and doing RedPark. I’ve changed my signature screen name on websites to RedPark from Youtwohearts. Another name I’ve been for 15 years. I like my little aliases. I like their meaning.
I wanted to blog today because I’ve done recipes for the past few days. I Got a text message from friend that kind of upset me a little bit. It started changing my mood, definitely had the old Jamie coming out. I almost did the impulsive thing and directly wrote the person the text was about in anger, BUT I DIDN’T. I stopped took a breath and said to myself, it doesn’t matter, be impeccable with your words. You’re going to do the right thing anyway. My dad gave me a great book to read in Florida, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I’ve since sent the book to both my big and little sister. Great book, simple read and so profound.
Check it out on Amazon, click on my Amazon link on the sidebar, the book is less than $6. I love this book because like A Course in Miracles, it’s about your thoughts and how you view things around you. This is such a simplified version and such an easy read I polished off in one day. The words in the book have stayed with me since. Every morning I’ve added it to my morning affirmations. I repeat them if a situation comes up throughout the day and I need a reminder. The text I received was about my impeccable word, asking me to do something for someone else. I can’t control what others do with their word, but my word, is my control. Therefore there was no need to send a text in anger I was going to do it anyway. Just a simple breath helped me remember such a simple thought. I went on with my day enjoying this wonderful sunshine listening to my radio, way to loud. I think I’m feeling like Linkin Park Meteora now. The sunshine was a much better way to enjoy the day.
One thought on “Red park and the Four Agreements”
Great book recommendation.
I may add those to my affirmations, too.
P.S. I envy your snow. All the trees here are budded.