I’ll huff and puff and I’ll blow your trees down

I’ll huff and puff and I’ll blow your trees down

Don’t ever listen to me if I’m giving any opinions on weather again. https://multipleexperiences.org/. My mother and stepdad’s house is surrounded by trees. For 40 years and many, many hurricanes and storms we’ve been worried about one of those trees falling anywhere. These trees survived them all, including superstorm Sandy.

  • Then we get this tropical storm yesterday. We weren’t even directly hit. We had about an hour plus of rain followed by winds. I know they were strong winds because I was watching the ocean. It was lapping the bulkheads and rocking docked boats. The streetlights were swaying and the tarps covering the construction site were ripped off. Then in a blink of an eye the waters calmed and the wind stopped. The sun came out and it was over. Things looked all normal again by my house.
  • My phone rings and it’s my mom. I couldn’t make out everything she was saying, there was too much static on the call but I did hear tree fell on my car. I lost the call after that. I couldn’t reach her home line and I wasn’t able to reach her cell again for an agonizing 30 minutes. She lives only 15 minutes away from me. I’m looking around outside my home which is fine, what is going on 15 minutes away. She had no power and quite a few trees fell. However it’s seems only by her house.
  • She finally sent me pictures later that night. It was the tree across the street that fell into her car. That’s the tree before
  • That’s after
  • Look at the amount of concrete that came up!!!!
  • My moms car. She doesn’t take the best pictures but the tree broke her car’s back window and I’m sure there is tons of damage as well. The window in the living room which faces her car also was broken. A tree on the side of her house cracked thankfully fell into the street. Another tree landed on her neighbor’s shed. Just crazy from a side swiping tropical storm.
  • I read that 300,000 were left without electricity. My daughter was supposed to work and the store had to close because they lost power. Her store is in the same town we live in. My lights didn’t even blink. I was completely comfortable all day in my AC watching TV. So much for my opinion on this storm. Next time I’ll keep it to myself.
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