A day at the hair salon

A day at the hair salon

I’m in the hair salon. I’ll be here for hours. When I say hours I mean like a total of 6 hours. I’m getting my hair straightened. It’s a long process. My hairdresser takes even longer because she’s meticulous. I had to put on one of the disposable paper masks so it’s a matter of time before I overheat. Not the most ideal situation for me. I have a phone conference with my neurologist at 11. Unfortunately the call was scheduled months ago and finding a block of 6 hours to do my hair was difficult. It ended up coinciding. So it will be odd. Thankfully the salon is quiet this morning.

I use to straighten my hair just for the summer. This is the first time I’m doing it twice during the year. I decided to make the change to once again make my life easier. I can wash my hair and it dries naturally and it’s perfect. It doesn’t get easier than that. However getting the process done sucks.

First we wash the hair and dry it again. Then is the relaxer which is combed in piece by piece strand by strand. I sit with this on my head for 45 minutes and by that time it actually starts to burn a little. Then once again the hair gets blown dry. Then comes the longest most tedious part, the hair is actually straightened with a flat iron. It is done in the smallest pieces at a time. The full head will take anywhere from 2 hours plus. Then my hair gets washed again and finally we do the final blow out. I’m exhausted writing it all out. I’m only in the second stage, it’s going to be a long day….

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