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Tag: covid vaccination side effects

The day after the worst of the Covid vaccination

The day after the worst of the Covid vaccination

I’m doing better today. I slept all day yesterday. I even ordered a pizza because I was too sick to microwave or mix up one of my salads. I was so sick that when I was getting a slice one fell on the floor and I couldn’t even bend to pick it up. I let my dogs eat the pizza. I thought Zoey ate it mostly, however this morning Minx has been sick since he woke up. My poor little…

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Covid vaccination reaction

Covid vaccination reaction

All I can tell you is that sucked. I had a rough night. My whole body ached. I couldn’t even sleep through it. I found that ibuprofen did not help and when I finally took Tylenol that took the aches away. I was able to finally get a little sleep between the hours of seven and 10. However I was up again at 11 because it was time for aspirin and my body knew it. Now I’m just waiting for…

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