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Tag: massage gun

My review of the massage gun

My review of the massage gun

I have to talk about my purchase of the massage gun. A massage gun for spasticity. I wanted one for some time but kept putting it off. They weren’t cheap. I kept thinking is they’d be like those massagers you got at drugstore that you used for a week and never used it again. These are NOT the ones sold at the drugstore. I learned that really fast. First thing these are super powerful. I have not had the power…

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A massage gun for spasticity

A massage gun for spasticity

Yesterday I purchased one of those massage guns. I’ve been looking at them for a while because sometimes I’m in such pain from spasticity. Last night was one of those nights where out of nowhere my whole back a neck tightened. I always describe this like someone took a fork and twisted it like they were trying to get spaghetti twirled around. Except it’s not spaghetti it’s my tendons. The area just becomes so tight so fast. It starts at…

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