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Tag: ms fatigue

And so it begins…heat and MS

And so it begins…heat and MS

There is no winning when it comes to temperatures anymore for me. I can’t handle the extreme cold and I can’t handle the extreme heat. It’s exactly 8:22 as I am writing my blog today and I have all my windows open. Currently the temperature is 65° out going up to 73°. my temperature in my house is showing 70°. That’s a little on the warm side, we’ll see what happens as the day progresses. Where I am sure I…

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My bedroom equipment

My bedroom equipment

My accessory equipment, is far from limited to walking. I’ve been having problems in the bedroom to, and I’m not talking about sex. I’ve been having issues getting on my bed because I can’t get my knee high enough to get myself on. It’s also too high for me to just sit down and get on like that. That’s not all!!! I can’t sit up in the bed, because my core muscles are becoming less and less existent. This creates…

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To go into a wheelchair debate…again

To go into a wheelchair debate…again

I have to admit, I’m getting tired. Those walks to get from my car inside a building are taking longer and longer. Each step is getting harder and harder to make. I don’t know why, I saw my mom for like three seconds the other day and I said I think the next car has to be equipped for a wheelchair. Since this was such a fast visit she said does this have to be a discussion now. Who could…

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Self-love day 6- Doctors, doctors and more doctors

Self-love day 6- Doctors, doctors and more doctors

I’ve been eating right, exercising and going to the doctor as needed. A few weeks ago I saw my specialist for MS. I’ve been seeing a podiatrist for the fungus and the swelling blisters on my toes. Today I’m off to the vascular doctor to discuss the swelling in the extremities and see if I can get any answer to that. Then I have to make the decision if I want to go to the endocrinologist and go further to…

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Ocrevus infusion: how you feel the following weeks

Ocrevus infusion: how you feel the following weeks

Every six months it’s hard to remember what happens. I should look back to my own blog posts. I was so wrapped up in how the steroids made me sick that I forgot that they would also give me burst of energy. It explains how I stood for a half an hour during a work out. This week that burst of energy went from 100 to about 30. I wrote that my workout was pretty bad in terms of stamina…

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MS, exercising and me

MS, exercising and me

I’m Back to pushing my body. Not that this is something new with me. This is what I’ve always done. I have a MS, I know that, but I push it to the limit. Sunday and today I did a 55 minute Zumba class. I haven’t done the longest class in I would say almost a year and a half. I used to only work out for 45 minutes or more. Things started to change actually when I got my…

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A Rainy Day in NY

A Rainy Day in NY

Does rain ever affect your multiple sclerosis? I find lately that the moisture in the air does have a small impact on my day. It’s certainly plays a role with my migraines. I’ve had headaches basically all week. However today they are expecting a nor’easter. New York State agencies are gearing up for a Thursday-to-Saturday nor’easter that could drench and blast Long Island with rain and high winds and envelop upstate with snow, officials said. From the moment I woke…

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A tough morning

A tough morning

I’ve added my Beachbody workouts back into my morning. I know that I push my body to its limit when I do these. I also know my body needs a long recovery time. I usually plan accordingly. Today, I didn’t plan on issues with Zoey too. I had to stop my workout to “clean up” after Zoey. Not normally a big deal but my legs were already 20 minutes into the workout. I ended up sliding down on the floor….

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My 20 year anniversary with multiple sclerosis

My 20 year anniversary with multiple sclerosis

It just dawned on me, that February 14 was my 20 year anniversary with MS. It was the weekend of February 14 that I was moving it to my house with my ex-husband. My left leg started to feel numb. The numbness started traveling up my leg through my muscles. I wasn’t just numb, my muscles were becoming week and atrophied. It was The following Friday I went to a family doctor who sent me immediately to this neurologist. To…

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Physical therapy and exercise with MS

Physical therapy and exercise with MS

It’s that day again…Monday. It comes quickly, doesn’t it? It starts my week to even though I don’t go to work anymore. I start each Monday with physical therapy again. Let me explain physical therapy. Physical therapy is like exercise. I hate it, but I know it’s important and it helps. Therefore I do it with a smile each time. You know those endorphins you are supposed to get when you work out? In the eight years I worked out…

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