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Tag: ms help

Happy Declutter Day

Happy Declutter Day

This is my version of spring cleaning. Today I change my closet from winter back to summer. I say goodbye to my favorite over sized sweatshirts until next year.  I clean the clothes out that I know I’m never going to wear. I keep the clothes that I haven’t worn in probably three years, but still decide I can’t part with. It’s the same pattern year in and year out.  This year I’m getting help from my cousin. My beautiful…

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Getting an aid getting help…accept, adjust, adapt

Getting an aid getting help…accept, adjust, adapt

For all the bad moments, there are always good moments. I would love to say that I’m feeling a lot better, that whatever is brewing with my MS is gone, but I unfortunately can’t.  However as always, I’m back to my normal, my usual somewhat positive self. I think that might have to do with the fact that my little sister is in from California and I’m seeing her today.  The sun is out, although that wind is howling, but…

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The helping hand when you have a chronic condition

The helping hand when you have a chronic condition

A few months ago  there was this sound this clanking sound coming from the refrigerator. I must say I can follow directions put things together, tighten things when they seem loose, make minor repairs but major breakdowns, I’m not your girl. When I heard the clanking I knew it was the compressor or something, but that’s about it. I lowered the temperature of the refrigerator from 5 to 0 for a few minutes turned it back up and sound was…

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