No Ocrevus infusion yet….
You just can’t make this stuff up. I think the last problem has been finding an agency to come to my home for the 5 hour infusion. The reason I say I think is because I’m not even 100% sure that is what the issue is about. If that is the hold up I told them I could do it there but now that might not be an option. I’m very confused. I’m still not sure if I’m getting the…
Medical news today article about MS ‘mediator of the disease’
Interesting article in medical news today. Brain inflammation is a marker of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and some psychiatric disorders. A new study finds a subtype of brain cell that is key in neuroinflammation, bringing us closer to new treatments for multiple central nervous system diseases. Astrocytes are named for their star-like shape. Image credit: GerryShaw Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects at least 2 million people worldwide. Recent estimates suggest that 1 million people in the United States live with the…
No Ocrevus infusion today
Shocking I know. This time there is a portion of my error involved. I told them last month my secondary insurance was Aetna, technically it is not. It is only secondary for certain things otherwise my secondary is Medicaid. What I’m not in error about is once again the infusion place waited until last minute to verify insurance. Since the information was wrong, they needed more notes from my doctors and couldn’t get approval done in time to order the…
New Multiple Sclerosis Culprit Identified-B-cells and T-cells in MS Medical News Today New multiple sclerosis culprit identified It is still unclear what causes multiple sclerosis, but new research closes in on the faulty immune system mechanisms involved in the development of this condition. New research has identified another type of immune cell that may play a role in MS. Multiple sclerosis (MS), which is an autoimmune disease, causes the immune system to mistakenly attack myelin. Myelin is the substance that coats axons, which are the projections that allow neurons to connect…
Ocrevus infusion one week away
Let’s see if I can have one of my infusion without any issues. I’ve already received the call to verify my new insurance information and have heard nothing since. Last time was the mistake where they once again order the split in the medicine and I did 300mg two weeks apart when I was supposed to take the full dosage of 600mg one time. So even though I’ve been on Ocrevus now for over a year, I still have yet…
Achy while swimming continued
Continuing on with my original post I wrote the other day I had one comment from another person with MS. She explained that any time she over exerted herself she had flulike symptoms as well. Thank you Priscilla for your comment. She even said if she continued overexert herself she can actually come down with the flu. I asked her what drug she was on for MS, if any, and she was taking Rituxan. I am currently on Ocrevus…
High dose biotin
Since I was in the hospital, this is one of the pills that has changed. First it never made my weekly pill box, which was just a complete oversight. Second, the hospital doesn’t give that out. So I must say I haven’t correctly taken my high dose biotin for a week. It occurred to me, this morning, that this could be the reason I’m having difficulties regulating my body temperature since about Saturday. I finally started taking it again 3…
High dose biotin
Since I was in the hospital, this is one of the pills that has changed. First it never made my weekly pill box, which was just a complete oversight. Second, the hospital doesn’t give that out. So I must say I haven’t correctly taken my high dose biotin for a week. It occurred to me, this morning, that this could be the reason I’m having difficulties regulating my body temperature since about Saturday. I finally started taking it again 3…
Ocrevus and the compromised immune system
I’m happy to report I was discharged from the hospital last night. One thing I know, from my career working in nursing homes, hospitals like to discharge on Friday to make room for the weekend influx. The infection disease doctor would have held me to today but I really wanted to go and the main doctor was for it. So what did I learn from this? First of all this happened from a simple fall. The fall gave me a…