A crazy story
My stepdad, mom and daughter were having dinner last night. When they came out of the restaurant, there was a note on my mom’s car from a Good Samaritan who saw my moms car get hit and the person leaving the scene. My mother just got a new car not even a month ago. She went to the back of the car and it was all banged up. The note had the license plate and the make of the car. My mother was so shocked someone would do a hit-and-run.
I’m at home during all this and receiving texts from my daughter updating me on what’s happening. They called the police to file a police report. Across the street there was more commotion at another restaurant parking lot. This was going on simultaneously while they were filing a police report. My nosey daughter and stepdad walked over and it turns out there was a guy passed out about to overdose on heroin. But wait!!! It gets better. He was passed out in the same car with the same license plate as the one who hit my mom. Thanks to the note of the Good Samaritan they now knee who banged up my moms car, name, insurance information and the fact that he was high on heroin. You can’t make this stuff up!!!!
My daughter said that if nobody found him, in 10 minutes he could’ve been dead. I’m assuming an ambulance took him away as well as arrested him. Meanwhile back at my mothers car, the Good Samaritan came back to make sure that the note was still on her car and that nobody took it off. She was nervous that the guy came back and took it off so she wouldn’t know who had hit her. All in all, this took about two hours. Everyone was completely exhausted and bewildered
A crazy story.
One thought on “A crazy story”
That is what is good about our country!