How I’m saying goodbye to 2020
This is one of the last blogs of 2020. Normally I do a reflective blog on the year and a revelation on the up coming year but I don’t want to do either. I don’t question what I have done nor do I doubt what I will do. A few big things happen in 2021 that are exciting. My cousin is getting married, my daughter is graduating college, and I’m turning 50. Although I wouldn’t necessarily say that last bit is exciting. My focus of course being on my daughter and helping her take her first steps into the real world. It’s hard to believe that she is graduating college.
I have realized this year that I really never minded being hone. While most people have had to remain in a somewhat quarantined world and hated every aspect, this was my normal day to day life. I was good. It was easier for me. I have stopped apologizing for asking people to do what works better for me. I push myself where I choose to push myself and I’ve said NO when I can’t.
I like to push myself when it comes to exercise. I never mind when I’m exhausted from a workout. If I’m exhausted from something dumb like sitting too long in my wheelchair, that annoys me. Plus it still happens all the time and I have no idea why. I was hoping the new chair would be different but it isn’t. If I’m in the wheelchair for too long I’ll be completely crippled and exhausted. My MS symptoms are all activated. What is that about??? I try to fix the positions and it only moderately helps. I just cannot understand this one. It’s why I always transfer out of the wheelchair to my comfy chair. I cannot spend long periods in a wheelchair. No answers.
Thankfully being home I don’t need to stay in the chair which is another reason I’m happier home. I’ve officially been here over 3 years now. The hotel that is supposed to be built has still not started construction. My view remains undisturbed.
There are always things to be thankful for at the end of a year and I have many I could list. So I’m saying goodbye to 2020 but it’s just a number, a date, a year. Tomorrow is always a new day.
6 thoughts on “How I’m saying goodbye to 2020”
You have always had a Great Attitude towards life through the good and the bad
This will continue to do you well in 2021!
Thanks, for your words on self of all of us living with MS.
Bless you – Dix
Thank you Dix. Happy New Year. Hopefully a healthy one too.
Stay safe and be well, xxx
You too. Happy New Year
I also cannot sit in a chair for longer than 15 minutes,after that my core cannot keep me in an upright position,very hunched over position until I rest in a horizontal position for a few minutes.
It isn’t my core, I hold myself up, but now I’m thinking about it I wonder if I’m actually working my core and I am exhausting myself even though I am not slumping. I have to pay more attention to that. I appreciate this. It use to be my core when I played mahjong for four hours at a time. Never thought it could still be the same issue over a shorter time.