Covid vaccination for people with MS
I wrote a blog giving you information that my specialist in NYC has given to all their patients. Covid vaccination information for MS patients. The National MS Society has also released information https://www.nationalmssociety.org/coronavirus-covid-19-information/multiple-sclerosis-and-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine-guidance. There is a great article on vaccines in general with various MS drugs that I definitely encourage everyone to look at https://www.mslivingwell.org/2020/11/28/vaccines/. Basically you can find anything out in the vaccine and MS by doing a Google search.
For all of the Ocrevus people out there, I did come across this in the MSTrust Uk. https://mstrust.org.uk/news/covid-19-vaccines-what-they-mean-people-ms
The other drug which causes some concern in this respect is Ocrevus. This is given every six months to deplete a particular part of the immune system – B cells. It’s these B cells that produce antibodies that provide some, if not all, of the immunity against some vaccines. People who are on Ocrevus have a reduced ability to respond to vaccines all the time they’re on the drug, not just the first few months after taking it. We don’t yet know for sure, but it may well be that being on this DMD may mean that a Covid-19 vaccine will not be as effective as it could be for that particular person.
I am on Rituxan which is the sister to Ocrevus. https://multipleexperiences.org/2017/06/28/ocrelizumab-ocrevus-versus-rituximab-rituxan/. Same basic drug does the same thing, just has a longer pharmaceutical history. My neurologist has recommended me to get the vaccination. So even if the vaccine is possibly less effective because of my disease modifying therapy, it is still preferred.
Unfortunately, in New York State, no vaccines are offered to anyone with a chronic illness living outside a nursing home. They are still doing essential workers, older population, childcare and teachers, and anyone that is more in the public. Hopefully I will be in the next wave which would be between February and March. Although the middle of March is my next infusion and I know I can’t do the vaccine before the infusion wait the two weeks and do the second part of the infusion. My guess is March is going to be very difficult. I have to continue to wait and isolate until I can get vaccinated.