Dedicated to Marshmallow
My dogs like to leave this world on holidays. My Boomer died on Christmas Day and Marshmallow was put down on Mother’s Day. Technically the date last year was different than this year snd it was officially a year ago today I said goodbye. However, it was the evening of Mother’s Day and that’s what I’ll remember more.
My sweet boy, my guardian and protector. He was always by my side. He loved all people but I was his person. I miss him and his goofy ways. I use to call him my court jester because he always made me laugh. My Boomer was the prince so it was quite fitting. He just had a way about him. He was mischievous and sneaky but they face made it hard to be mad. He was the most loyal and lovable dog and definitely kept me company during many bad times. I just wish I could bury my face in his fir and kiss him one more time.