Happy in my Bedroom

Happy in my Bedroom

I’ve been sleeping so well since the hospital days. That is until the last few nights. I was up every hour one night. The next night I was up for a prolonged period of time for no apparent reason. I am now functioning on day two without sleeping well. I’m freaking tired. I am running out of steam way to early in the day. It is the reason why I do everything first thing in the morning. I did have things on my to do list that I have yet to do. Little things. I want to rearrange some things in my room, make it neater in here. My room has become somewhat cluttered since I’ve been spending my time in here. I realized something, I like my room.

I had such a goal to get out of my comfy chair, which I finally did. I’ve been able to do it a few times since then as well. However, I still have been opting to stay in my room during the day. My bedroom is a happy place for me. It has all my humpties smiling directly at me. That makes me happy. It usually has two dogs snoring next to me. It has a large window that lets in so much light. The only thing missing is I can’t see the water from my bed. I could rearrange my rooms furniture to adjust this but that would also include moving light fixtures that are through cement.

I also have my heating unit directly under the window. If I moved my bed to face the window, I have to move it back from the heating unit. My bed would be like in the middle of the room. The door of my room would be behind me. I wouldn’t be able to see when someone came in. Also where would I put my TV? Can’t go on the heating unit. Putting it in front of my window would defeat my moving the bed. So, if I stay in my room, I don’t get to gaze out at my view. Hmmmm

I am never in my bedroom to hang out or watch tv. Not since I was a teenager. I was always comfortable in my living room. I had the biggest tv out there. It was where the vhs or dvds were always kept. Later it was the cable box with the dvr. My bedroom had the smallest tv. I only had it on when I was going to sleep. I realized in all these months being in my bedroom, I’m really happy in here. This is my happy place.

Look at all those smiling faces. How can you not be happy? Ok maybe not everyone loves my Humpty Dumpty dolls but I do. I smile when I see them. That is all that counts.

My tv is small but it has the firestick, I get anything I want to watch. My bed is the adjustable tempur pedic it is super comfortable. Truthfully, it’s also a nice oasis where I feel I have space from other people in my house. My aides are lovely but we are not in each other’s way. They have quiet to do what they’d like to do. I get to watch what I want to watch. It is the first time I don’t feel obligated to the aide sitting two feet away from me, as I always have in the past. I have my own area. I’m happy in my room. I just need to start getting things in order again. Than I’ll be even happier.

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