My daughter is home again
Morning. Happy Monday!!! It’s freezing in NY. I’m actually wearing a sweatshirt for the third time this entire winter. I am still cold. I might even turn on my bedroom heater for the first time ALL winter. Spring officially begins in like a week. Just goes to show you, you never know with Mother Nature. My older sister lives upstate is expecting like 2 feet of snow tonight. OMG!!! Crazy. I guess this is one of those days I’m happy to be in my bedroom snuggled with my Zoey.

My traitor pug Minx is with my aide in the living room. It’s all good because the greatest snuggle bug will be here this afternoon.
My daughter is home from Maine. She is currently in NYC with friends. Yippee my baby girl. I got to see her briefly yesterday when she dropped off her car at home. So glad she drove home yesterday instead of this miserable weather we are having today. You know she’s been driving for a while now, but I still rather her drive in good weather conditions. I still make her call me every hour of the drive to check in whether she’s coming home or driving back. I still consider NY her home even though her life is really in Maine. Is that normal? I still refer to the room I grew up in at my mom and stepdad’s house as MY room. I refer to the room here as her room. I do admit that my supplies have taken over a corner. It is always her room even though there is very little of her left in there. This will always be her home even though she actually lived here very little. She was in college already when I moved here. After college she went to Maine. Home is where mom and her dogs are, especially Zoey. Zoey is her girl. One day it will just be mom. I hope it will still be home for her.
Anyway, I’m so happy not to have to go anywhere yet I still have physical therapy. I’m tired so wish me luck with that endeavor. I can only do the best I could. I was able to get my upper body/core workout in today so I’m grateful. I accomplished something. Hoping if you’re facing bad weather, stay safe.