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Tag: ADA

Parking spot saga continued

Parking spot saga continued

I was advised to send a letter to the building’s management company and board president. I simply asked them to reconsider NOT revoking my parking spot and I cited the law which governs my “reasonable accommodation”. I felt like I am back at my job again when they denied me from working from home. I had to draft a letter requesting the exact same thing, reconsider my request for “reasonable accommodation”. My work did make the allowance and I worked…

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Housing help for those with Multiple Sclerosis

Housing help for those with Multiple Sclerosis

To recap my situation, I had asked my condo for a permanent parking spot close to the main door. This was because it was the only door I could enter that didn’t have steps, which I can’t do, and wasn’t too far for me to walk. It was granted. Then due to other condo residents requesting the same thing, they gave 5 other people spots. The non-disabled residents had an uproar. Now they voted to revoke ALL the reserved spots….

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Condo revoking reserved parking spots

Condo revoking reserved parking spots

I’m not shocked because it got out of hand. What started as my one request that I had to submit medical documentation for, ended up being 5 handicap parking spots being reserved for condo residents. The other long-term residents in the condo had meltdowns why they can’t have a reserved spot. After a total of 3 months of angry calls and emails from condo residents, it was put to a vote once again to the board and it was decided…

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