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Tag: big comfy chair

My second comfy chair

My second comfy chair

My brother-in-law recently lost his mother. She was very young, too young, as young as my own mom. A truly wonderful woman. I was very fortunate to know her and she brought up the most amazing young man who is my brother-in-law. He is one of a kind, so generous and understanding. Yet what I love the most about him is he’s a realist. He sees things for the truth of the actuality of the situation. He might not like…

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My big comfy chair

My big comfy chair

The aftermath of the tropical storm that hit the other day continues. My mom and stepdad have slept over at my house the last two nights. I’ve given them my bedroom and I slept on my comfy chair. I slept quite well both nights I should add. Zoey and Minx slept with me and they seemed as comfortable as I was. I was almost too comfortable, like enough where if I was tired I could easily sleep on my chair…

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