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Tag: birthright

A family weekend

A family weekend

I had the best nights sleep I had in a long time. I woke up once at 1am to use the bathroom and then slept right on through until 7:22 when the bathroom called again. That is a long stretch of time for me. I needed that!!! I could still sleep more truthfully but it was time to start my day. Plus my cell phone went off and I answered it. I normally go to the gym today but decided…

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Videos from Israel

Videos from Israel

My daughter watched the sunrise this morning, then rode a camel and went in the Dead Sea. There isn’t one thing on that list that I don’t find amazing. I was put on a horse once and cried until they took me off from sheer terror and she rode a camel. That’s freaking awesome!!!!

A good way to start a week

A good way to start a week

Today is a good day. My dad and stepmom drove up from Florida this weekend. This is the first time my dad has been in NY in years. This will be the first time they are both seeing my condo but more importantly it is the first time I’ve seen my dad in a year and a half. I normally go down to Florida once a year but this year I was in Mexico and it was too much for…

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My daughter is going to Israel

My daughter is going to Israel

It was just before 8am on my clock and I couldn’t understand why my daughter didn’t come in to say goodbye yet. Her friend was picking her up by 8 to go to the airport. She and her two friends are going to Israel with Birthright They are supposed to be at the airport at 9 for a 1pm flight. Needless to say when I went into her room, she was still sleeping. Poor thing forgot to set her…

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