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Tag: Chalene Johnson

Titan Games

Titan Games

I got the new streaming app, Peacock, yesterday and in my browsing I ended up watching Titan Games. Hosted by Dwayne Johnson, these people that are absolute beasts compete in these crazy physical games. Each time I thought I’d watch one more game and find something else. The next thing I know I’m watching one more etc. My daughter comes home from work and is like what are you watching? Yet she started watching with me until she went out.…

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A busy weekend to start the week

A busy weekend to start the week

Busy, busy, busy. A fun but busy weekend indeed which is slightly unusual for me. Friday, I was able to babysit, more like keep company, with a little girl who is as sweet as they come and like a niece to me. We had a great day and did so much. We went in the pool, out for lunch, bathed both dogs and even made cookies. It was a jammed packed day and a lot of fun. My dogs were…

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Boom I Got Your Boyfriend by M.C. Luscious

Boom I Got Your Boyfriend by M.C. Luscious

I’m going way old school here. This song is in my Turbo Fire work out with Chalene Johnson. This is my favorite songs in the workout program. I actually purposely picked this program because of this song. The good thing it comes on second to last so ensures that I make it through the program. 45 minutes of kickboxing, bet you never saw that in a chair? Boom! I got your boyfriend, I got your man Boom! I got…

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Beachbody on demand, workout with MS

Beachbody on demand, workout with MS

Go Me!!! I haven’t worked out on my own since sometime in June thanks to my shoulder tendonitis. Against my will, every time I tried to do something I felt it in my shoulder and I knew if I continued, the pain would be back until I ended up needing another cortisone shot. A shot I’m only allowed to receive once every 3 months. It killed me to stop. I worked out 6 days a week for years. I had…

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The weight I am

The weight I am

I battled with my weight my entire life. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998. My neurologist’s letter to my primary care physician said, Jamie is a heavy set patient in her mid twenties, blah blah blah. I remember the physical therapy place I first went to had this computer bike. One time something wasn’t working right and the therapist said to another therapist that it happens only when a heavier person goes on. When I was in 6th…

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Multiple sclerosis and exercise adapt, modify and repeat

Multiple sclerosis and exercise adapt, modify and repeat

It’s almost an eerie quiet in my house for 7:15 in the morning. Both dogs went back to sleep next to me on the couch. I just finished doing P90 sculpt B. I started doing the P90 series from by Tony Horton but stopped when I started having issues with my shoulder. Doctor said I have tendinitis and arthritis. Lovely!!! Thank heaven for the cortisone shot that has done wonders. Anyway…I’ve completed P90X many times. It is actually my favorite of…

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