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Tag: ms fatigue

Fatigue, workouts, the MS gym and stuff

Fatigue, workouts, the MS gym and stuff

Good morning to all. I just sat down from my morning exercise. My body certainly feels it but my heart rate didn’t reflex the same results. I have not taken one day off since I started the MS gym program. I just changed my workouts and incorporated the gym too. The last time I didn’t close my exercise circle (the green circle) was back on June 25th. When I complete this week, I will have completed the program I signed…

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Having issues with my new wheelchair

Having issues with my new wheelchair

There are so many good things about this wheelchair but unfortunately there are a few bad things. I have been consistently in the new wheelchair now for a couple of weeks. I waited to use it for a couple of weeks after I got it. Between breaking the mirror and Minx being so tiny, I couldn’t do learning a new wheelchair and avoiding him at the same time.New and old. In using the chair I realized some major issues. The…

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Beware-Throwing a pity party

Beware-Throwing a pity party

I work so hard!!! I workout everyday. I try to incorporate weights to build my muscles and my strength. I try to eat right. I take a shitload of pills to offset all my MS symptoms. I spend more money than I can afford on good vitamins that I take daily. For what??? It gets hot and my body forgets it has any muscles. I suffer fatigue and I can’t do anything on my own. I once again ended up…

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Loving the MS Gym

Loving the MS Gym

Good morning. It is a Grey Saturday morning here. Actually it’s a white Saturday morning.  If you look closely you can see the water. It’s 8:00 am and I’ve already worked out. I can’t say enough good things about the MS gym. I just completed week 2 and I already have seen a slight improvement. no one else would notice this improvement, it is extremely minute. This is just one of the things that I noticed from doing…

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Working out a new way

Working out a new way

So Minx, my adorable puppy, has definitely affected my sleep. Yet my body has been more run down from the changes I made to my workouts. I have been doing various workouts for a minimum of 5 days a week for a long time. As my disability worsened, my workouts were modified but never stopped. I’ve modified to a chair quite successfully. I can get my heart rate up over 130 on some chair workouts. All good but muscle burns…

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Gradual disease progression

Gradual disease progression

How are you feeling? Seems that this is always the question asked by everyone that knows me. Today, I asked myself. I have written many blogs about lack of sleep Sleep deprived, many about accidents A horrible and humbling outing, and even some on actual feeling How are you feeling? The truth about Parethesia, but it’s been a while since I actually said how I was feeling. I’ve had multiple sclerosis for 22 years now. My disease modifying therapy is…

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A stomach bug and multiple sclerosis

A stomach bug and multiple sclerosis

I had a rough day yesterday. I had some kind of stomach bug. Let’s just say if I had to do a colonoscopy this morning I would be well prepared. I felt awful. I couldn’t really eat a thing. Anything I ate wouldn’t stay for long. I was dehydrated so the only thing I really could do was drink. My body was so achy. This is where having MS is always an issue. It wasn’t just the fear of an…

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Post Covid MS life

Post Covid MS life

So little Minx is doing great. He has, however, received a new nickname of demon because of his teething on anything flesh. Those little teeth hurt especially when he gets you under the arm. I’ve been doing a yelp, line he does,hoping he gets the idea of ouch. With a million teething toys on the floor, he still prefers the skin of my daughter and myself above them all. Other than that, I’m a little sleep deprived. I can’t even…

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Summer heat hibernation and my own multiple sclerosis realization

Summer heat hibernation and my own multiple sclerosis realization

The quarantine is starting to lift yet this is the weather I start my hibernation. It’s starting to warm up and that means trouble for me and multiple sclerosis. Not just me, many of us. Between 60% and 80% of people with MS find that heat can cause their symptoms to worsen. This might involve a build up of fatigue, blurred vision, loss of balance or a worsening of cognitive symptoms such as concentration or memory. I missed all my good months to…

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No fatigue lately

No fatigue lately

I haven’t been sleeping great. I’m up all night either using the bathroom or unable to get the right temperature. However I still wake up in the morning pretty bright eyed abs chipper. Starting each morning with some puppy love helps that situation. I’ve put in some great workouts in the AM. Yesterday I did 52 minutes. That pretty intense especially since I didn’t go to bed until after 10:00. That’s when I realized that I’ve been doing really good…

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