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Tag: ms fatigue

Infusion or no sleep is kicking my ass

Infusion or no sleep is kicking my ass

I haven’t slept well for two nights now. I spent the first night with those belly issues and last night with bladder issues. I was using the bathroom every hour. I honestly think this was somehow related to the infusion. I have had nights where I’ve used the bathroom frequently but every hour is something that is a rarity. Yet that was my night. This is the second day in a row that I’ve hit my 12 hours of stand,…

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Hoping for a better tomorrow

Hoping for a better tomorrow

Yesterday was not my greatest morning. Belly issues but I was able to avoid the mess of things by getting in the shower fast enough. I made it in the middle of the night and the morning. I was so proud of myself. Such a stupid thing to be proud of, yet I was. I was until I took a slip in the shower. It’s a small space and at first I held myself up slightly but I couldn’t hold…

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Multiple sclerosis medication and Liver

Multiple sclerosis medication and Liver

Weather is changing in NY. The days are longer and I’m seeing boats going out on the ocean. I once again find myself staring out my balcony window thrilled that there has still been no construction on the hotel that will block my view from my chair. I one day will have to sit on my balcony to get lost in my view but so far, today is not that day. I’m feeling better now. The body aches have left,…

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The hard day is done

The hard day is done

I made it through the day yesterday but barely. I was absolutely shot by the time I got home. I got everything I wanted accomplished. I officially have handicap plates on my van. They almost didn’t let me get them. I had a copy of the original DMV doctor form. I didn’t think and grabbed the copy. According to the rules they don’t accept copies. The supervisor finally came over and did a visual confirmation and accepted the form. I…

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I did it!!!

I did it!!!

Sure the goal is for me not to end up on the floor but let’s be real, it is going to happen. To be able to get myself up off the floor is a big deal. Especially since not even a week ago I was in the exact same predicament and I couldn’t get up. I had to wait for my aide. Once again on the floor. Not yesterday, I learned from my prior week struggle I was in my…

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Once again on the floor

Once again on the floor

Well unfortunately I had a tough morning. It seems my stomach is still having issues. I had to shower upon waking up this morning. I wish I knew what was causing all of this unsettling in my belly over the last few weeks. I’m scared to take anything because the fear of it binding and I experiencing the alternative is just as bad. However this leads me to make many trips necessary and unnecessary to the bathroom in fear of…

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Does getting out of bed count?

Does getting out of bed count?

Good morning world. I’m in my chair after my workout drinking a cup of ice coffee. My first cup since Sunday. I spent the day in bed yesterday after being up all night with stomach issues. I emerged from my bed after 4pm to feed the dogs and was back asleep again by 8pm. I slept until almost 9 this morning waking up only one time to use the bathroom. I may have had some stomach issues but I obviously…

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I’m kicking ass

I’m kicking ass

I’m doing a new program in the MS gym called standing strong. Yep has a lot to do with standing. I started phase 1 with my therapist. It had a lot of floor work as well as chair work. So I started integrating it with my previous program. I’m done with therapy but I really wanted to continue with this new program so I was determined to find something that I could make work without needing someone’s assistance to get…

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I’d love a day off from my symptoms

I’d love a day off from my symptoms

Well good morning to everyone. Happy Monday. I am dictating this through my new iPhone. Hopefully the dictation goes better than the old phone, after all the issues I’ve had dealing with the purchase of this new phone, at least something needs to go right.You can’t make this up….  I must say, so far, it’s working really well. I’ve had a tough weekend, I’m still just not feeling great, not sickness wise, more MS issues. i’ve slept in every…

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I’m in a mood today

I’m in a mood today

I wasn’t feeling well all day yesterday. I actually napped most of the day. Well I had the TV on and my eyes closed. For me that’s pretty much napping. I just didn’t feel well. No fever, no aches but my muscles felt sore. That was the best way for me to describe it. I went to sleep early but unfortunately that didn’t go off quite as I intended. At about 2 o’clock I was woken up with bathroom issues….

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