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Tag: Ms physical therapy

High dose biotin for MS month 6

High dose biotin for MS month 6

I just finished my six month taking high dose biotin. I’m taking 300mg per day as was done in the MS clinical trial. You have to get this higher dosage from a specialty pharmacy. I get mine from Ace Pharmacy online. I was hoping to have a link on my side bar from Ace pharmacy, but I we haven’t linked up yet. This is the website. You can call and speak to them, the people there are extremely knowledgable and…

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The annoying but harmless guy in physical therapy

The annoying but harmless guy in physical therapy

I’ve been going to physical therapy since November 2016. The way my insurance works is I get 20 calendar visits per year.  I started in 2016 so it just worked out that I was able to do many months in a row. My physical therapy actually runs an amazing program that after this  physical therapy set up, I could pay a monthly fee and use everything in the gym, only giving up with the physical therapist actually have to do, which…

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Good morning Monday

Good morning Monday

it’s the beginning of another week. Kind of strange when you don’t work because you’re weeks don’t normally run like a workday week. However every Monday is physical therapy and my daughter is back to school so I still consider it the start of the week.  March is my last month of physical therapy, then it becomes a self-pay. They run a really great program called strive. You pay a monthly fee and you can use the gym and equipment…

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Vegan creamy potato curry soup

Vegan creamy potato curry soup

I had the best physical therapy session ever!!! Just one of those days where my legs were super strong and didn’t fatigue to the point I couldn’t walk, like they normally do.  I even had enough energy to get to the food store. I needed a few ingredients make my favorite soup.  Thought I’d do something different today and share a plant-based vegan soup recipe. I was just so happy how well today went I also had to share my…

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This sh$t ain’t easy

This sh$t ain’t easy

let’s be real here, if things were going well, I’d still be working. I’d go to work everyday, be around different people, be challenged, strive to be the best and probably be like 76% of the world, stressed out. However, I’m not well, I’m not stressed out like the 76% but my life isn’t easy.  I love the look I still get from some people when I tell them I don’t work anymore. You can see their mind questioning you…

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Life goes on…

Life goes on…

Well the little puppy makes life coordination much more difficult. Now on school days if I want to workout alarm is set for 5:45. Daughter gets puppy from that time until 6:30. I get 45 minutes to myself to workout, brush teeth, get coffee and pee basically. Then I take puppy so she can finish getting ready for school. Yes I could put her back in her crate, I know that. The reason I don’t is because most of my…

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That’s ok I’m happy

That’s ok I’m happy

I dropped my $100 Aria scale yesterday which shattered on the floor into a million pieces because of my hands with ataxia but that’s ok I’m happy. I stepped on my old Aria scale I have to find out I’m currently up 8lbs so I need to reign that in really fast but that’s ok I’m happy. I went to physical therapy this morning and I’m a little wiped out and it’s only 11:00am but that’s ok I’m happy. I’m…

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