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Tag: vcr

How I became a fan of Star Trek

How I became a fan of Star Trek

Many, many, many years ago I use to babysit for cousins of the family. They use to come home really late like 2am. What was even worse was the only tv they used was this giant screen they had in the basement. It would have been fine but he was a big movie buff. He owned a video store before the days of Blockbuster and way before DVDs. His basement was shelved all around with scary masks from so many…

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Knots Landing on the television

Knots Landing on the television

Needing a break from the coronavirus and my upcoming infusion worries, I am always thankful for my Firestick. I have every program imaginable that I can watch just about anything. Lately I started watching Knots Landing. This series ran from 1979-1993. It was an evening soap and a spin off of the soap Dallas. I started watching both Dallas and Knots Landing as a teenager in the 80’s but Knots was better. However it was also on later and I…

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