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Tag: weight

Why I Chose Bionic Gym

Why I Chose Bionic Gym

I wanted to share the link to my Facebook event for Bionic Gym. I just love Bionic Gym. I’ve been talking about it since day one of using the gym. I was planning on showing you my Apple Watch stats for two of my workouts days I talk about in the Facebook video. First the workout where I just let it run until the battery dies. This is the one I do nothing to increase my heart rate. The…

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Meet me on Facebook Saturday

Meet me on Facebook Saturday

I’m so excited to be able to share this with everyone. I am doing a live session about Bionic Gym. I am doing this with the founder and creator of Bionic Gym, Dr. Louis Crowe. I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to personally talk to Dr Crowe on a few occasions. He responded to me after I made a video for Bionic Gym customer support. I have loved Bionic Gym from the day I received it,…

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I’m down 20lbs

I’m down 20lbs

I haven’t talked too much about my weight over the last few months. I did write this post as I was making progress in weight loss. I started in July to finally make changes that has finally seen results. So, what did I do? Well, some time ago I wrote about a book my cousin recommended. It was about a book about how controlling glucose affects weight loss. I always knew that there was something to this but…

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Moving the scale downwards

Moving the scale downwards

Well good morning to everyone. Another week is beginning. Oh joy!!! Truthfully, the days all blend for me sometimes. If it wasn’t for my aide showing up Monday mornings, I might never know what day it is. I didn’t do anything this weekend because I was exhausted from this week. It doesn’t take much to overwhelm me during a week. A few activities outside my normal week and that’s all it takes. I cherish my down times. Cuddling my pups…

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Beyond Weight Loss

Beyond Weight Loss

Good morning. I am slightly behind schedule this morning because I didn’t really feel like getting out of my bed. I slept great too. However this time it was Minx who kept moving in and out from under the covers. I finally gave up and got up. I actually ate breakfast this morning for the first time in years. I never ate breakfast so eating that early was not something I am use to. I watched this video over the…

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Weight loss frustration

Weight loss frustration

I’m frustrated today. I’ve joined an online program for weight loss. I’ve at my 3 month mark and I’ve gained 5lbs. Yes GAINED. I am the most health-conscious fat person I know. I’ve stopped eating vegan some time ago when I switch my home meal delivery service. I use cook unity now I get to pick from over 100 different meals each week and I love the food. Forever conscious of the food I eat they also offer a…

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Weight and weight of the scale

Weight and weight of the scale

I spent 6 hours at the hair salon the other day. I had my hair straightened. A long process but worth the time it takes. I will not have to worry about doing my hair all summer. Shower, let dry naturally and it comes out perfect. That takes a tremendous amount of pressure off me not having to worry about my hair. Anytime I can clear something off my plate, I take it happily. The only thing is the straightening…

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Loving me for me not the scale

Loving me for me not the scale

I stop talking about my weight for a while now. I still weigh in every week and Trackett, I just don’t talk about the number. I am still between 10 and 13 pounds higher than my average where I was at before I really became disabled. I still work out six days a week. I still watch what I eat. I’m still vegan, mostly. It fluctuates. I’ll takeoff the 3 pounds then it will come back and it comes off…

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Going back to Plant based eating

Going back to Plant based eating

I made a decision last week to go back to eating more plant based/vegan. It has nothing to do with diet in a losing weight idea. I think I’ve given up on that concept because nothing works for me anymore. I need to accept my body for where it is today. I canceled my weight watchers membership. I’ve noticed over time myl eating has changed to incorporate a lot of processed foods again. Things that were easy points on weight…

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Intermittent Fasting 18 months later

Intermittent Fasting 18 months later

Sometimes I’m amazed when I look at my stats to see which blogs are still popular getting consistent hits. Like this one on Intermittent Fasting two months later This blog was written in August of 2018. However it wasn’t the popularity of the blog that struck me it was the date I wrote the blog because I STILL EAT THIS WAY!!!! Wow that’s along time and this blog was written two months later. I actually started eating the intermittent…

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