Goodbye to my sweet Marshmallow
I’m writing this after a horrible evening at the emergency vet. Marshmallow breathing was becoming so labored as the weekend went on. By this morning he wouldn’t eat anything but a few pieces of chicken. I was going to wait until Monday to bring him to our vet but I actually was scared he wouldn’t make it. I was convinced he had a pneumonia. Just like I thought when my Boomer fell ill. I was wrong with him and I was so wrong with Marshmallow. I was not expecting the answer from the vet. CANCER. Not just in his lungs, that’s where it metastasis. They knew that because there was no fluid or crackle. Marshmallow was terminal. He needed oxygen and soon a ventilator. Marshmallow was dying and it was going to be a painful death.
We made the only decision we could. We said goodbye to my sweet boy. My sweet love bug was put to sleep in my arms. He now gets to run once again with Boomer. I hope he knows how much he was loved and how much he will be missed. As the tears are streaming down my face my heart is broken and my Zoey is laying her head in my lap. My heart just hurts and I’m so sad. I’m still stunned and numb. My sweet Marshmallow I love you so much. Boomer please look after him
4 thoughts on “Goodbye to my sweet Marshmallow”
I am so sorry for you loss. Awful for you. I will be praying for you for you for God’s comfort and love to encompass you.??
Thank you
I’m so sorry… I have been thinking on this for a couple days to try to decide what to say but all I can say is it really really sucks. My thoughts are with you.
Thank you.