My happy place
The sun is shining off the water in the way I love. It’s the kind of day I could get lost in my view outside. I love it here. I love my condo. I love the space and how it works so well for me with my disability but mostly I love my view. I always show my view from the same two windows because that is what I see from my comfy chair but I really have water views everywhere. Even if the proposed hotel goes up and blocks my view from my comfy chair, I’ll still have my view from so many others places. I just find the water so peaceful. I know I’ve said this so many times. I’ve also blogged about it so many times but it just puts me in such a great place. I can’t explain the feeling which is probably why I write about it so often. I just keep trying to explain it to my readers very unsuccessfully.
Well here I am once again lost in my view and losing my thoughts on what I was going to blog about today. I have both my puppies sleeping on my lap and truthfully they are making me a little sleepy too. I worked out for over an hour today and I have physical therapy in a few hours. Tomorrow I am getting my hair straightened and will be in the salon for about 6 hours. That will be a fun day. In the middle I have a video conference with my MS specialist doctor. I am sure that will be a video first for my doctor. My beautiful daughter is coming home this weekend for my birthday. I’m excited to see her. I think i babbled enough.
Happy hump day everyone. Hope you get lost in your own happy place at some point today.