Happy Monday Morning

Happy Monday Morning

Happy Monday morning. Slightly dreary here with light rain and cloudy skies but that’s ok, I’m not outside. I heard we may be having our first snowstorm this week. I’m not sure what the current predictions are but I do love the snow. Granted I become even more trapped in my home when snow falls because wheelchairs don’t like snow piles or sheets of ice. I don’t even mind because I’m mostly home anyway and everything delivers. I love the blanket of snow that covers everything and the whole world goes quiet. I’ll be interested in the upcoming weather predictions.

I received a call about 30 minutes ago from the agency of my aide. It seems as she was on the way to me she was notified of her positive PPD test and she needed a chest X-ray before she could return to work. This is the test given for TB or Tuberculosis. It is actually very common for someone born outside the US to receive a positive PPD due to different vaccinations given in different countries. That is why the chest X-ray is needed to verify that there is no infection. Since we were just at my hair salon on Friday together and our temperature was taken, I can say I know she has no fever, cough or sweats. I refused a replacement aide because I can’t deal with someone who is scared of my dogs. Hopefully she’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime I have physical therapy a little later. Nothing I can’t handle. I did need to shower and that I might have to put off until someone is around. I have my coffee next to me, my puppies on me and food in the fridge, I’m good for the day. Happy Monday.

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