My beautiful Mary
I want to dedicate this blog to a friend that recently passed away. My heart is broken that this girl will no longer be around. Mary is the sister of my ex-boyfriend. Over the twelve years of knowing her, she became a sister to me. Mary was always my dog babysitter anytime I went away. She has been with all my dogs Boomer, Marshmallows, Zoey and Minx. She was just as heartbroken when we lost Boomer, crying on the phone together. I will never forget having to tell her that he passed. Boomer was with her that weekend and passed away the night I came home. It was just awful. Marshmallow loved her to pieces. Losing him during covid, she never got to say goodbye. I made it up to her because the day I picked up Minx I went straight to her house for her to see him.
Mary was my savior. She stayed at my house for the month last year I was in the hospital. If it wasn’t for her my puppies would have been boarded in some unknown dog environment. Zoey has never been boarded. Minx has separation anxiety. I would have been in the hospital worried about my dogs everyday. Instead I had Mary. Mary who sent me pictures every day and called me. I never had to worry. My four legged children were fine. I couldn’t have had any piece of mind without Mary. It’s one thing to watch them for a weekend but she stayed all that time. She stayed without question. She was such a gift during that time.
She had the most beautiful, innocent giving soul. I was so fortunate to have her in my life. We always referred to each other as sisters. We were more than friends. We became family. I’m going to miss her so much. She sent this to me when I lost Marshmallow.

My heart is very big because I had Mary in my life.

One thought on “My beautiful Mary”
I am so sorry for your loss.