My daughter graduating college
My daughter is graduating from college on Tuesday. I am so proud of her. She has not had an easy road especially when it came to school. She was born with a progressive hearing loss called EVAS, enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome. In basic terms, her ear was formed with deformities. This enlarged tube allowed fluid to leak, eventually destroying the hairs on the ears nerve where sound travels. I’ve written a few blogs about her but the following is the…
A selfless act
My daughter went back to school yesterday. She took the train back. A normally uneventful trip that became an extremely horrendous night because she was traveling back into a snowstorm. Her school is only about 3-3 1/2 hours away from where we live yet the weather can be drastically different. She doesn’t go to school up a mountain but it is further into New York State than Long Island where I am. The snowstorm, which we were following, was starting…
Love to my daughter
My baby is bringing her stuff down to her car again. I have both dogs on me staring at the door I might be just as sad as them, not because she’s leaving, because she’s still having a tough time with the roommates. We are trying to find someone to take over her portion of the lease and she’ll move back to campus housing but we haven’t been successful yet. It is a bad situation and I hate having to…
My baby girl is home
I’m so happy my girl is home. Second year of college complete and first year away from home. Academically not the greatest year but Albany University is a hard school and she tries. Socially a great year and I see such a difference in this girl. I’m so proud of her. She is turning 20 in a few weeks and I’m amazed at where the time has gone. One day she was 6 getting a second cochlear implant and now…
Random fun
Yesterday I was looking at a past order on my amazon account. I stepped away for a second. When I came back my dog jumped on the chair and I see thank you for your order. She one clicked more pet pee pads for herself for my room. ?. Glad I was looking at that and not a vacuum. My daughter pledged a community service fraternity and got in yesterday. I’m so proud of her. Going away to school has…
My baby girl
My baby girl left today to go back to college. It was so hard. It was harder this time than it was when she left in August. My house feels really quiet. I know she’s not going to be walking back through the door tonight and I’m so sad. I’m so glad that she loves college. There is nothing I wanted more for her than to have an amazing college experience. She loves Albany most of the time. She’s just…
Goodbye 2018
2018 wasn’t a bad year for me. Yesterday marked the day I moved into my condo a year ago. Although it was technically 2017, it was really days of complete chaos until 2018. I wake up to this view to look at. Trust me it looks a lot better than my picture shows. I learned that I can still swim. I have spent a lot of time in my pool. I was fortunate to have an indoor pool in my…
My daughter is leaving today
It’s quiet this morning. Not the quiet in sounds more in stillness. I’m listening to the gardeners mowing outside as I am gazing at the water. My dogs are even still. Do they know? This morning Zoey didn’t finish her breakfast. In two years Zoey has never not finished a meal. Yesterday she needed a little coaxing and today as soon as I walked out of the kitchen she came with me and wouldn’t stay and eat her food. I…
Albany bound in 3 days
This year my daughter is going to University at Albany NY State school. Ranked #108 by Money Magazine This Albany school is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system and, as the name suggests, is located in New York’s capital city. It’s a relatively large school, with about 13,000 undergraduates and an array of opportunities to match. It boasts more than 150 undergraduate programs, some 250 student organizations and over 1,000 study abroad options. UAlbany’s proximity to…