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Tag: daughter

Chicken and Grapes for Shabbat dinner

Chicken and Grapes for Shabbat dinner

In honor of my daughter’s trip to Israel, I made my first Shabbat dinner last night. My guest list was my mom, stepdad, daughter and her boyfriend. In all honesty it is a tradition I’d like to start to have my daughter and her boyfriend for a night. This way we can all sit down together and have a meal and just talk as a family. I made chicken and grapes recipe below, cauliflower gnocchi that I bought from Trader…

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Videos from Israel

Videos from Israel

My daughter watched the sunrise this morning, then rode a camel and went in the Dead Sea. There isn’t one thing on that list that I don’t find amazing. I was put on a horse once and cried until they took me off from sheer terror and she rode a camel. That’s freaking awesome!!!!

A good way to start a week

A good way to start a week

Today is a good day. My dad and stepmom drove up from Florida this weekend. This is the first time my dad has been in NY in years. This will be the first time they are both seeing my condo but more importantly it is the first time I’ve seen my dad in a year and a half. I normally go down to Florida once a year but this year I was in Mexico and it was too much for…

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My daughter is going to Israel

My daughter is going to Israel

It was just before 8am on my clock and I couldn’t understand why my daughter didn’t come in to say goodbye yet. Her friend was picking her up by 8 to go to the airport. She and her two friends are going to Israel with Birthright They are supposed to be at the airport at 9 for a 1pm flight. Needless to say when I went into her room, she was still sleeping. Poor thing forgot to set her…

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Happy 20th Birthday to my beautiful daughter

Happy 20th Birthday to my beautiful daughter

Today is the easiest blog I can write because I get to wish my daughter a happy 20th birthday. Anytime I’m writing about my daughter it is easy because she is an amazing young woman. She is beautiful and sweet, funny and goofy, smart and ditzy, kind and caring, loyal and loving but most of all she is a great person. It is easy to be a proud mom because she has a huge heart. I didn’t teach her that,…

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Like mother like daughter

Like mother like daughter

I’ve been so happy having my daughter home again. It is so nice to see her beautiful face every morning smiling. The dogs are just as happy. As soon as her door opens they both go running to greet her. She’s growing up and there is a new level of maturity she has now. She seems to be more grateful to her home now. There even seems to be a greater compassion for my MS. I’ve had this disease longer…

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My baby girl is home

My baby girl is home

I’m so happy my girl is home. Second year of college complete and first year away from home. Academically not the greatest year but Albany University is a hard school and she tries. Socially a great year and I see such a difference in this girl. I’m so proud of her. She is turning 20 in a few weeks and I’m amazed at where the time has gone. One day she was 6 getting a second cochlear implant and now…

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Zoey and Marshy’s day

Zoey and Marshy’s day

Today is an exciting day for my dogs, Zoey will explain because Marshmallow is getting too old for these shenanigans: Marshy and I woke up in our normal fashion with puppy love from mommy. This includes a whole lot of petting and belly rubbing before even getting out of bed. The only reason to get out of bed is to relieve oneself and for yum yums which mommy does as soon as she cleans up our morning business. However I…

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Random fun

Random fun

Yesterday I was looking at a past order on my amazon account. I stepped away for a second. When I came back my dog jumped on the chair and I see thank you for your order. She one clicked more pet pee pads for herself for my room. ?. Glad I was looking at that and not a vacuum. My daughter pledged a community service fraternity and got in yesterday. I’m so proud of her. Going away to school has…

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An end to a stressful week

An end to a stressful week

Today my van is getting delivered back to me. It seems that the circuit breakers under the floor were water logged. I can’t explain how but the switches needed to be replaced. They kept the car for an extra day testing everything out and hopefully this won’t be a problem again. I am doing my Rituxan infusion later this evening but I am doing at home. That makes a five plus hour infusion so much better. I get to be…

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