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Tag: fatigue

Getting back into routine

Getting back into routine

It’s been a while, seems like months, but it’s only been a few weeks. I am finally getting back into my weekly routine. I’ve said this many times in my blogs, I need the stability of the routine. It helps me function and cope in each given week. When I’m out of routine I feel a little lost. My MS may even act up and become cumbersome. Might be part of the reason for my lethargic ways these last few…

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Running on empty

Running on empty

Man I am beat. I am so tired and I’ve really done nothing but what I’ve done is enough to exhaust me. July has certainly has been a very tough month for me. It started out with my insurance changing to Medicare. Goodbye referrals!!! However, I also had many doctors appointments appointment scheduled because of it. Then I ended up with cellulitis at the beginning of July. July 9 actually was my first trip to the emergency room. I know…

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A Rainy Day in NY

A Rainy Day in NY

Does rain ever affect your multiple sclerosis? I find lately that the moisture in the air does have a small impact on my day. It’s certainly plays a role with my migraines. I’ve had headaches basically all week. However today they are expecting a nor’easter. New York State agencies are gearing up for a Thursday-to-Saturday nor’easter that could drench and blast Long Island with rain and high winds and envelop upstate with snow, officials said. From the moment I woke…

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Multiple Sclerosis drugs, vitamins and therapies

Multiple Sclerosis drugs, vitamins and therapies

I kicked ass this morning. New workout and I stood on my feet for a record of 18 minutes. Omg!!! That’s incredible. Granted my feet can’t move too much, but that’s ok, that was an tremendous amount of time. In physical therapy, one of the main things they do for people with multiple sclerosis, or people that can’t really stand on their own anymore, is put them in a device that either stand them up or strap them in bars…

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My 20 year anniversary with multiple sclerosis

My 20 year anniversary with multiple sclerosis

It just dawned on me, that February 14 was my 20 year anniversary with MS. It was the weekend of February 14 that I was moving it to my house with my ex-husband. My left leg started to feel numb. The numbness started traveling up my leg through my muscles. I wasn’t just numb, my muscles were becoming week and atrophied. It was The following Friday I went to a family doctor who sent me immediately to this neurologist. To…

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Physical therapy and exercise with MS

Physical therapy and exercise with MS

It’s that day again…Monday. It comes quickly, doesn’t it? It starts my week to even though I don’t go to work anymore. I start each Monday with physical therapy again. Let me explain physical therapy. Physical therapy is like exercise. I hate it, but I know it’s important and it helps. Therefore I do it with a smile each time. You know those endorphins you are supposed to get when you work out? In the eight years I worked out…

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Despite my MS, I am very happy

Despite my MS, I am very happy

I’ve lived in my condo officially two weeks today. I know I sound like a broken record and I apologize, but I just am so happy. I’m always blogging about all the bad things, living with multiple sclerosis and how tough it is, it’s just so nice to recognize the good things. Every day I say to my mom, I love this place thank you so much. I probably could say that every day and it would never be enough….

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Have a very happy hump day

Have a very happy hump day

It’s the hump day. That middle of the week where it’s all downhill to Friday. I’ve been up since roughly 5:30 this morning. I’m exhausted. I couldn’t sleep. I should change that, I couldn’t fall back to sleep. Not sleeping is like an instant bad day with MS. I just wrote the ticket for the day. Not that I could’ve controlled it, I just know how my body is when I don’t sleep. My daughter was up all night studying…

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First week with the nursing aide

First week with the nursing aide

Last year at this time, my first blog post said under construction. I hope you enjoyed my weeks worth of revelations of the past year of blog posts. This week, I thought it was gonna be more of a downtime week, didn’t turn out that way. My aide started on Wednesday.  Originally I asked for three days three hours a day. The recommendation of the nurse evaluator was for seven days. My case manager and I decided on three days…

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Sweet and sour tofu recipe found on pickled plum

Sweet and sour tofu recipe found on pickled plum

I found this recipe on pickled plum  I’ve made the recipe a few times now but I add tons of vegetables. I double the sauce and use mushrooms, bean sprouts, snap peas, corn, broccoli and anything else I see in my refrigerator. I keep the tofu amount the same  the sauce is yummy and I love the veggies with it. However, I gave myself some battle wounds cooking the other day. This is one of the difficulties dealing with MS and…

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