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Tag: ms fatigue

I’m not disabled, I’m mom

I’m not disabled, I’m mom

I did well yesterday My words are my actions. I managed to use the walker until after 2pm. I completed 3 sets of 10 squats but I can admit I pulled myself up on the last few. I was done!!! I’m happy to say that I recovered and had strength to get myself up into my bed without assistance and without lowering the bed to the flat position. I was proud of myself. My daughter comes into my room every…

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My muscles are getting weaker

My muscles are getting weaker

I have to be honest, my legs are super tired by the end of the night. I’ve been having some real issues getting myself into bed. Luckily my daughter has been around to assist and readjust my legs. My original thoughts were why? I’m resting most of the day after I exercise. Then it occurred to me, I’m moving even less now than the little I was moving before. This is bad. The more I’m in hibernation, the weaker I’m…

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A week after Rituxan

A week after Rituxan

I went through my blog posts because I couldn’t remember how many times I’ve done Rituxan. I made the switch from Ocrevus back to Rituxan for the March 2019 infusion. This is my 3rd time. I was on Rituxan at an earlier time but was forced to change when Ocrevus came out. My insurance company, at the time, would not authorize Rituxan because it was not approved for multiple sclerosis. I than changed insurance companies once again and asked to…

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Welcome to my world

Welcome to my world

Another day at home except this time I’m like many others in the world. Welcome to my life. This is definitely the time to binge TV, read a book or 8 and maybe start a jigsaw puzzle. I’m hanging with my puppies, in my chair, gazing at the water and listening to the construction still going on near my condo. It’s comforting to know that things haven’t stopped completely with this virus. I am still feeling tired from my Rituxan…

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Rituxan infusion coming up

Rituxan infusion coming up

Good morning and happy hump day to all. Got through the day of exhaustion from therapy yesterday. At least I had a justifiable reason for being fatigued. I even made it to my hair appointment and no more grey hairs, at least for the next 5-6 weeks. My wonderful hair dresser, who is also a good friend, even blew out my hair for me saving me a step so I didn’t have to deal with it myself. I’m almost due…

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Not liking physical therapy

Not liking physical therapy

So after a second day of consuming a regiment of oregano oil and using Doterra Breathe, I got into bed sneezed once and never sneezed again. Achoo-ing through the night. Woke up fine. So strange!!!! I’m doing much better with the Provigil. I’m so happy to report. I am no longer waking up exhausted as if I never slept. That has been such a huge difference that I’ve been able to get back to my life. I have still been…

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Achoo-ing through the night

Achoo-ing through the night

The other bight I was kept awake sneezing my head off. I’ve used a million tissues. I woke up and immediately start my regiment of consuming pure oregano oil in water and by mid morning the sneezing stopped. I had a sneeze here or there but nothing like the evening. Then I went to bed last night and the sneezing began again. I once again was up most of the night. Between the sneezing and blowing my nose, there wasn’t…

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Light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel

Day two of waking up and not feeling tired. I can’t even put into words how great that is. I am starting to feel more like myself. I still was in bed by 8 yesterday and sleeping before 9. I also had no strength in my legs and had to transfer directly from my wheelchair to my bed. Yet all that is ok because I woke up peppy and smiling. I woke up in good spirits with energy and it…

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I am back with a home health agency

I am back with a home health agency

Today is the first day I woke up not feeling tired. It was such a wonderful feeling. I haven’t had that in so long. I can’t say how the rest of my day will go but for all my bitching lately it was nice to start off my blog with some good news. I still canceled playing mahjong today. Unfortunately I knew that I probably wouldn’t have the stamina to last too long. However I still worked out. I even…

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I showered, I’m exhausted

I showered, I’m exhausted

What can I say. I’ve been like a lump on a couch. I showered today, go me!! I’m exhausted ?. I was exhausted when I woke up. My eyes feel swollen after I slept for almost 12 hours. How much more can one person say about fatigue? I’ve done nothing so I have nothing to blog about. I can tell you I’m tired of people saying me too. Anyone with multiple sclerosis or chronic illness knows there is a huge…

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