My muscles are getting weaker
I have to be honest, my legs are super tired by the end of the night. I’ve been having some real issues getting myself into bed. Luckily my daughter has been around to assist and readjust my legs. My original thoughts were why? I’m resting most of the day after I exercise. Then it occurred to me, I’m moving even less now than the little I was moving before. This is bad. The more I’m in hibernation, the weaker I’m becoming.
I’m not sure what I should do? I’d love to go to my rollator for part of the day. At least when I’m up I am walking. It was my frequent falls that caused me to start using the wheelchair in the house. It was a safety decision. I am still able to walk with the rollator for a short distance. I use it every night when I use the bathroom.
I think I need to start physical therapy on my own. Doing leg strengthening exercises in small doses every few days. I am going to utilize my ankle weights to do leg lifts while I’m sitting watching tv. I think I’m also going to try to walk a little each morning. Not all day, just the morning when I’m my strongest. I workout 5 days a week but I don’t work my legs.
I realized I’m losing more and more of my muscle tone. It is getting harder and harder to get up on my bed because my quadriceps are the muscles that have become the weakest. Those muscles do a lot more than you realize until they start becoming difficult. It is these muscles that fail me if I fall and try to get up again. You can’t get up without the quads. You also can’t step up, like I need to on my little stool to get on my bed, without quads. It is also the muscles needed to help regain balance if you stumble. My muscles were weak, I can’t say they weren’t. Yet I have to realize that this hibernation isn’t helping the situation. There is a reason I go to physical therapy. There is also a reason I dislike therapy. It is hard!!! I work muscles that I don’t work on my own. Now I am starting to pay the price of the absence. So it is time to go to work. Wish me luck.
2 thoughts on “My muscles are getting weaker”
My mom has MS, she’ll be 71 next Wednesday. She is getting weaker as well. I think I’ve let my depression kind of make us both not feel like doing stuff. Thankfully she had a Zoom meeting with her neurologist yesterday, and he put her on some meds to help with her weak arm. Hopefully that will make standing a bit easier for her. Thank you for your blog. I’m praying for you that your legs get stronger with exercise.
Thank you for your reply. I’m hoping that this medication will help your mom too. Plus a big happy birthday to her.
It’s tough to be positive and do things with the coronavirus spread but I certainly hope you find something that keeps you both motivated and cheerful. Maybe a jigsaw puzzle or a good series on Netflix.?