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Tag: ms symptoms

Crazy Spasm

Crazy Spasm

For anyone that has pain with your multiple sclerosis or pain with any other disorder, I honestly have a lot of sympathy for you. I experienced a spasm that caused so much pain I couldn’t even move. It started as what I call an indigestion bubble. You ever get that gas bubble that travels trough your body and it can be painful. I always have to try to move or stretch for it to go away. Lately it has been…

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I’m still here. I have kept the blog. I know it’s been a long time since I have written anything but I have to admit I haven’t had much to say. My life is very quiet now. I choose it to be that way. I find it easier. I still workout in the mornings but I now do it only 5 days a week. I’m still obsessed with Bionic Gym. However, I spend the majority of my day in my…

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Do We Continue MS Disease Therapy Drugs?

Do We Continue MS Disease Therapy Drugs?

I’m faced with a major decision coming up soon. Do I continue taking Rituxan? Not only Rituxan but any disease modifying therapies. I’ve been plagued with infections. I do believe that all of these infections have not only been difficult for me mentally but have played a significant part in the worsening of my symptoms. It’s the age old question, is the MS medication doing anything for me? Are the side effects, lowered immunity, and damage from the intense medication…

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Could Diet and Holistic Medication Cure MS?

Could Diet and Holistic Medication Cure MS?

Hello, yes, I’m still here. I’m actually doing ok. Nothing has changed. I’m still dealing with UTIs and GI issues but they’ve been improving. I have season 2 of Alone playing in the background. The episode I am on has 4 people left. One of the participants is a woman with multiple sclerosis. I didn’t start watching because of this woman, just dumb luck. Anyway she is 45. She said 15 years ago she couldn’t walk, was on all this…

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Stopping Disease Modifying Therapy Drug

Stopping Disease Modifying Therapy Drug

I had a conversation this morning with my neurologist. This was my specialist in NYC however I did have the conversation with my other neurologist last month. It is on a topic we have been questioning with every UTI I’ve dealt with since April. Is it worth continuing suppressing my immune system anymore? I have certainly not been stable on Rituxan. Part was due to the pneumonia, can’t blame Rituxan on that decline. However, over the last year, I have…

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Wheelchair Isn’t Only For Transportation

Wheelchair Isn’t Only For Transportation

So I have to say I’ve never been so happy to have my chair. Who knew that I would have missed my chair so much. I am not one who usually spreads love to Kit, my main wheelchair. I probably spend more time cursing at some misfunction or slow maneuver. However, I never realized how much this chair did for me until I didn’t have it for 2+ months. I don’t think I’ll be cursing my chair anytime soon. Sitting…

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My Other Issues

My Other Issues

Today my wheelchair is supposed to be picked up. They will be taking my chair back to the shop to fix. I find it amazing that they can afford to send a courier to pickup the chair but can’t send a technician out to repair the chair. The company is so short staffed that the cost of the courier service outweighs sending a repairman. I have my wheelchair evaluation on July 25th. It is at this appointment I will find…

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I’m writing a blog

I’m writing a blog

I keep meaning to write. I have every intention. Then at the end of the day, I realize I didn’t write again. Normally I actually write my blog the day before but since WordPress had an update, I schedule the blog but it never posts. I finally got annoyed and stopped writing the day before and then stopped writing on the day. So here I am. I would love to say so much has happened since I last wrote, but…

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Happy 25th Anniversary with Multiple Sclerosis

Happy 25th Anniversary with Multiple Sclerosis

It started 25 years ago today. The beginning of my major attack that brought about my diagnosis. I still remember the story all too clearly. Valentine’s Day weekend, 25 years ago, I was moving into the house my ex-husband and I bought. We spent a few months sleeping at my mother’s house while updates were being completed. We were ready to move in and be alone in our new home. It was supposed to be a romantic thing first weekend…

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Phantom Feelings

Phantom Feelings

I always have a feeling that my legs are in a different position. I’m always in bed with my legs straight. I can’t move them on my own. The only way they would be in a different position is if someone put them there. Even then, chances are they wouldn’t stay that way. I mean the position with my knees up. Yet I always have the feeling that my legs are in this position, especially if I am under my…

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