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Tag: ms fatigue

Patting myself on the back

Patting myself on the back

Go me!!!! My aid couldn’t come today, so I couldn’t go to the pool. I guess I could’ve asked my daughter to come with me, she would have, but I didn’t want to bother her. Instead I got my Beachbody programs on my TV and I did my workout. I haven’t done my Beachbody workouts probably since July, thanks to the shoulder tendinitis. I always refused to let MS tell me what I couldn’t do and amazingly it was my…

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4 Core Stability Exercises for MS

4 Core Stability Exercises for MS

Happy Friday. I had my physical therapy evaluation yesterday. This year it’s all about the core. Or I should say the lack of core. I have four exercises I need to do every day. Very simple exercises, for normal people. However, I’m not normal people. These four exercises are very difficult for me. I was exhausted after doing them. I’ve explained this so many times in this blog, fatigue is not just tired. It’s exhaustion where are your muscles are…

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I’m not drunk I have MS

I’m not drunk I have MS

I have this shirt that says, I’m not drunk I have MS. The shirt always makes me laugh because you really do come across sometimes like you’re completely drunk. I remember when I used to work the reason I disclosed that I had MS was for that very reason. I didn’t want to have to be drug tested at work every day. I just do the goofiest, silliest things that must look humorous to an on looker. I’ve had the…

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Exercise in a pool for MS

Exercise in a pool for MS

I went in the pool. Finally!!! I was the only one in there. I can’t swim anymore. My legs can’t kick. My legs actually can’t even get high enough in the water and I usually end up going under. The truth is I probably could do more but I was trying not to get my hair wet. Let’s be real, with multiple sclerosis there’s only so much energy I have. To go in the pool for the first time in…

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Difficulty with the extreme cold and MS

Difficulty with the extreme cold and MS

Last week it in New York it was in the single digits before you add it in the wind factor. At that point it was the negative digits. I went out to eat at a restaurant with my family. The restaurant had open windows on all sides and even though the heat was turned up, it just couldn’t compete with the cold outside. The restaurant was freezing. We were there with cousins we haven’t seen in a while so it…

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Despite my MS, I am very happy

Despite my MS, I am very happy

I’ve lived in my condo officially two weeks today. I know I sound like a broken record and I apologize, but I just am so happy. I’m always blogging about all the bad things, living with multiple sclerosis and how tough it is, it’s just so nice to recognize the good things. Every day I say to my mom, I love this place thank you so much. I probably could say that every day and it would never be enough….

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Another one of those days, weeks, months with Multiple Sclerosis

Another one of those days, weeks, months with Multiple Sclerosis

Beautiful sunny day and I wake up with a headache. You know when you just haven’t felt right? That’s how I’ve been lately. I know, I know I have multiple sclerosis. Yes, that’s very true and the chances of it being just something with my multiple sclerosis is extremely high. However I just haven’t felt right. I’m not really sure what’s up. My doctor called with my blood work and again, everything is fine. I definitely don’t have Cushing’s, diabetes…

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When the simple isn’t so simple

When the simple isn’t so simple

I’m covered in ink. I have a new printer and I was finally putting it together yesterday. It has six different ink cartridges. As I was opening the ink cartridges, because my hands are all wacky I guess I was holding them wrong so the ink just kept getting on my hands. Thus, I’m covered with ink. I made a mistake with two of the cartridges and didn’t put them in right. Now I was left with the task of…

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MS without the high dose Biotin

MS without the high dose Biotin

I haven’t taken a high dose biotin in about a 2 1/2 weeks. I have to admit there is a change. The only thing with MS, you just don’t know what the actual culprit is. I’ve been very weak in both my hip area and my thigh area. That’s causing a greater difficulty than normal getting up if I’m down on the floor. I’ve also had major fatigue again. Where I was sitting down and my eyes start closing whether…

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Moving stinks

Moving stinks

OK moving should come with a gigantic warning, this was horrible. I thought I was so prepared. I wasn’t! I think moving would be hard for anybody, but adding multiple sclerosis to it is just a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, in the morning my aid was running late so that left the beginning of the day on me. I had a couple things left to pack up. I didn’t think it was gonna be a big deal, IT WAS A…

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