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Tag: Rituxan

Finally finished with antibiotics

Finally finished with antibiotics

Yesterday was the last day of the antibiotics. I have been taking a prophylactic drug from the time I got home from the hospital on March 5th. I was taking Atovaquone. This is an anti-fungal, anti-parasite liquid. It is supposed to be banana flavored. I personally would never eat a banana if it tasted like that. This medication is an antibiotic used to treat and prevent pneumonia. It is given to people that can’t take other antibiotics, have HIV or…

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Multiple sclerosis vs pneumonia

Multiple sclerosis vs pneumonia

I last took a Kesimpta shot on January 19. It is now the beginning of March. I had this dilemma of being behind my shot date in January. After Covid and a UTI that put me in the hospital the first time, I needed to be well before I took my shot. That ended up being about 6 weeks after the last shot Kesimpta dosage instruction is every 4 weeks. I’ve never not taken a disease modifying therapy from the…

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First Kesimpta dosing shot

First Kesimpta dosing shot

I started getting freaked out reading other people’s first shot reactions on the Facebook Kesimpta group. I thank Sherry for commenting on my Kesimpta delivery blog and telling me about the group but it didn’t help my nerves. Thankfully, I had a video conference with my neurologist yesterday. She explained Kesimpta is nothing like the interferon shots that I took for the first 12 years. The shots that still give me those horrible flashbacks that are causing all this fear….

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Kesimpta delivery scheduled

Kesimpta delivery scheduled

I got a call yesterday from the pharmacy about the delivery of my new medication, Kesimpta. I am being mailed 3 doses for my first month. I take a shot weeks 1,2 and 4. From there it will be once a month. The shot is recommended to be in my thigh, stomach or upper arm. All the memories of the years of Betaseron come flooding back. Betaseron was my main MS drug until Gilenya, a pill, came out. 12 years…

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Kesimpta was approved

Kesimpta was approved

I broke my glass coffee pot this weekend. This seems to happen every two years if not yearly. I do have to say the last time I wasn’t the one who broke it but I shouldn’t brag because I’m pretty sure every other time it was me. I don’t buy expensive coffee pots for this precise reason but I really hated my last purchase. I always put cinnamon in my coffee grinds and this basket constantly caused the caused the…

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Kesimpta was denied

Kesimpta was denied

My neurologist and I decided we were going to switch to Kesimpta by my next infusion date. My doctor wanted to start the process in July although my next infusion date isn’t until September. We entered the prescription into the pharmacy to start the process. It was less than 24 hours later that I received the denial from my insurance. The denial reason was that this medication wasn’t necessary and there may be other medication that can met my…

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Possibly switching to Kesimpta

Possibly switching to Kesimpta

Happy Monday to everyone. I’m hoping the weekend was lovely for all. I was hit with some kind of stomach bug that disrupted my Saturday. That was the first time in a long time I felt those crippling stomach pains. Good to know I could still feel things in my belly. I must admit, sometimes I wonder since I never do. I mean I can stub my toe and go into a spasm that locks my legs up for a…

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Important information for Ocrevus and Rituxan patients and the COVID-19 vaccine

Important information for Ocrevus and Rituxan patients and the COVID-19 vaccine

I had a phone conference with my MS specialist yesterday in New York City. We discussed many things but the most important thing she discussed was the Covid vaccination. She knows that I had already had received both vaccines and of course that I take Rituxan. Rituxan is the older sister drug to Ocrevus. It seems that for people on these drugs, the antibody production for SARS-CoV-2 was reduced compared to other multiple sclerosis drugs. In my doctor’s easier language,…

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How fatigue affects life

How fatigue affects life

I’ve been so tired lately. I never really took in to account how my body would react to work being done in my place. I knew I would be shifted around slightly but didn’t think it was a big deal. I was clearly wrong. By the time the afternoon comes around I’m struggling to get myself to the bathroom. I’m back to dreading every time the need comes. Sometimes I’m so tired that the hesitancy I talked about recently Bladder…

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I’m feeling ok, another infusion in the past

I’m feeling ok, another infusion in the past

It is beautiful out although slightly chilly. That doesn’t stop me from opening windows to let some fresh air through. I don’t mind the chill, it feels nice because the sun is hitting this side of the building. Once the sun starts to move I will start to freeze. The temperature is only 46 degrees out, not really windows open weather. It’s that sun hitting so directly that adds so much heat. It feels really nice. I’ve been feeling pretty…

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