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Tag: Turbo fire

The weight I am

The weight I am

I battled with my weight my entire life. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998. My neurologist’s letter to my primary care physician said, Jamie is a heavy set patient in her mid twenties, blah blah blah. I remember the physical therapy place I first went to had this computer bike. One time something wasn’t working right and the therapist said to another therapist that it happens only when a heavier person goes on. When I was in 6th…

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Multiple sclerosis and exercise adapt, modify and repeat

Multiple sclerosis and exercise adapt, modify and repeat

It’s almost an eerie quiet in my house for 7:15 in the morning. Both dogs went back to sleep next to me on the couch. I just finished doing P90 sculpt B. I started doing the P90 series from by Tony Horton but stopped when I started having issues with my shoulder. Doctor said I have tendinitis and arthritis. Lovely!!! Thank heaven for the cortisone shot that has done wonders. Anyway…I’ve completed P90X many times. It is actually my favorite of…

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