Keto diet week one
I must say, I found it pretty easy to do but I had help. I had a menu planner that I purchased for a small price from your Keto diet https://usa.yourketo.diet/. I used that and an app for tracking called Lifesum https://lifesum.com/. It’s really the app that has been a huge help. It lets me track all my food and helps me figure out my targets in each category. I can see if I’m short in fats, high in carbs etc. The menu planner has me eating higher calories than Lifesum and I follow the Lifesum count. Therefore I’ve had to tweak the menu planner but usually only the snack portion.
I guess the big question is, did you loose weight? I lost 7lbs this week which is crazy. I weighted in today what I originally joined weight watchers at a year ago when I put on the first 7lbs of my 10lbs I’ve been struggling with all year. Technically I lost not only the 4lbs I just gained but 3lbs of weight I’ve been writing about for a year. That’s insane!!! This is also 4 days post Ocrevus infusion with 250 grams of steroids. I don’t expect anything now for week 2 but I’ll be happy with a consistent weight drop. I’ll be back next week for that update.