A good news blog

A good news blog

I just got off the phone with my vet. Minx had two different liver panels of bloodwork yesterday. One of them he was back in normal range. The other one is dropping significantly in the right direction. I don’t remember what she called the test but a normal range high is about 120. When he was rushed in last week he was over 1000. Yesterday he was at 368. He’s still high, which she expected, but it is a significant difference. He is on a vitamin supplement for a while that will hopefully help his liver function. In another month he’ll be tested again. Hopefully there has been no damage to his liver. My vet seemed very optimistic that he was going to be ok.

I also received a magic button on my wheelchair yesterday. All I have to do is press the button and the chair goes up. Press it again chair goes down. https://multipleexperiences.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/img_3604.movhttps://multipleexperiences.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/img_3612.mov

Minx is actually showing where the new button is placed in the video.

Certainly beats me trying to get off the floor, trying to hold on to the back of the chair while my chin moves the joystick to raise it up. I also got an update on all of my chair speed I am. There were things my chair was so slow with and I had no idea that it could’ve gone faster. The chair is sad at these default levels and I couldn’t get a scarf by the time it turned around. I used to go crazy. It’s all computerized, Without having the chair representatives involved with all my chair issues, I never would’ve known. I wouldn’t of known about the button, the speeds, the side arms, nothing. Once again, you have to speak up when somethings not right.

I’m happy to report good things this week. I already started scheduling my infusion. So far CVS specialty pharmacy, who completely messed up last infusion, isn’t doing so well starting this one. I’ll leave that tale for another day.

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