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Tag: fatigue

Why continue to exercise with multiple sclerosis

Why continue to exercise with multiple sclerosis

“Exercise is essential not just for overall well-being, but also to help manage symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). In fact, exercise might even slow progression of the disease, according to a 2012 review published in Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders.” This was according to everyday health. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society says basically the same thing and adds, “An exercise program needs to fit the capabilities and limitations of the individual. It may need to be adjusted as changes occur in…

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Today was a very disheartening MS day

Today was a very disheartening MS day

This one is not for my family. This is a bad one, so I give you the advance warning.  Everyone’s been telling me I’m doing too much.I am a little stubborn about slowing down. I  been having a lot of trouble at physical therapy lately. I had been fatiguing not just a little but severely and I don’t know why. It’s the same routine I had been doing since November. Luckily, I had my daughter around when I got home to…

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Bears hibernate in the winter, MS patients hibernate in the summer

Bears hibernate in the winter, MS patients hibernate in the summer

Got a wake up call the other day. We went from a comfortable 60° in New York up to  82° overnight.  Silly me, didn’t think anything of it and opened all the windows.  I have roughly 7 windows in my apartment that I opened, well I should say my daughter before she left.  Normally there’s a nice cross breeze in my apartment, but that takes wind. I live upstairs, heat rises, no wind, so no cross breeze and by 2:00 it…

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Today’s a new day

Today’s a new day

I’m certainly better than yesterday, I should start the blog off with that. Sometimes you hide how you feel inside because you don’t want to live feeling like that. Yes my life is hard. Yes things are a challenge. Yes it’s a sucky disease. Most people know this. I don’t have to reiterate that fact each day, so I try very hard not to. However it is the truth to MY life and it is like this 24 hours a…

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You don’t look sick….

You don’t look sick….

Anyone with a chronic disease can tell you that those 4 little words, “you don’t look sick”, is enough to drive them crazy on the spot.  I’ve written many blogs about symptoms of multiple sclerosis you’d never see. Multiple Sclerosis, especially in the beginning, can look silent at first. For the first 8-10 years I had barely a limp when I walked. I would fatigue if I walked too much and by too much I mean…

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I have a cold, caught from my daughter

I have a cold, caught from my daughter

Can’t avoid these things can you? I knew I was going to get sick. I’ve been trying really hard taking precautions but I’m sitting here now sneezing and coughing. I don’t know why but every time you get sick and you have MS  it just seems like everything goes wrong. I’m not achy so to say, but my limbs feel very heavy. I feel fatigued even though I’ve done nothing. I didn’t even work out today. I try to stay…

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This sh$t ain’t easy

This sh$t ain’t easy

let’s be real here, if things were going well, I’d still be working. I’d go to work everyday, be around different people, be challenged, strive to be the best and probably be like 76% of the world, stressed out. However, I’m not well, I’m not stressed out like the 76% but my life isn’t easy.  I love the look I still get from some people when I tell them I don’t work anymore. You can see their mind questioning you…

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Too tired to blog

Too tired to blog

I haven’t slept well in 2 nights and we all know how great that goes with multiple sclerosis. I know why but don’t know if I’m ready to say it yet. I bit off more than I can chew at the present moment. Something I always wanted to do but it required a lot more than I realized. However it’s too late now I made a commitment. I don’t want to hear the I told you so from the people…

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Cyber crash Monday-Happy Halloween

Cyber crash Monday-Happy Halloween

ok maybe not a cyber crash but I’m taking a crash day. I’m going to go back to bed and recharge, regroup, refuel and recoup.  I haven’t done a full day where I spend the day in bed in a long time but I think I need to today. I went to bed super early last night and I’ve been up since 2:30am. I let thoughts take over that shouldn’t be plaguing my thoughts anymore. No matter what I did…

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I’m not tired, I’m fatigued Multiple Sclerosis silent symptom

I’m not tired, I’m fatigued Multiple Sclerosis silent symptom

  MS fatigue one of the most difficult symptoms to explain and deal with. 80% of all MS patients deal with this at some point or another.  Fatigue is way past a feeling of tired is to the point of absolute exhaustion. It’s the feeling that each limb is 100lbs heavier than it is.  Just walking the few steps to a bathroom is daunting and overwhelming.  It never fails you’ll be talking to a friend and you’ll say I’m tired…

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