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Tag: ms fatigue

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

Last night was a very bad night. All my family and friends who haven’t heard the story I’m sorry you’ll be hearing it through my blog. I am fine. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be writing this today. I played mahjong yesterday for the afternoon and got home around 3. I was completely exhausted more than normal. I started feeling achy as well. I think I was running a low grade fever because of this abscess on my stomach. More…

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Defining a day in a life with MS

Defining a day in a life with MS

I realize something last night, for all my complaining about fatigue, I’ve been staying up most nights till 10 o’clock. If you look back to before I saw my doctor, I was in bed by eight and asleep by 8:30. This is before he gave me the Adderall. Yes, my body isn’t recovering from my exercise. Yes, I’m still exhausted and finding it hard to move about as easily as I was. However, I’m not at that stage of…

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Curing fatigue naturally

Curing fatigue naturally

I wanted to share information received through my blog post on fatigue. This is why I write so we can share other ideas and thoughts from other patients and their doctors. This is from Sherry and I can’t say how much I appreciate the information. I’ve been struggling from fatigue for a while now and I am really at a loss. I have not tried this yet but I plan on bringing all this information to my doctor when I…

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Why doesn’t fatigue ever go away?

Why doesn’t fatigue ever go away?

It’s another one of those weeks. I overdid it on Tuesday. Overdoing it consisted of sitting at a table helping family with papers and making some phone calls. Why I was so crippled from that I can never understand but I was….completely. Then the migraine started. That was just the beginning because I woke up Wednesday with the migraine and I was still exhausted. My aid was sick too so it was just me. I managed the day ok but…

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Fatigue versus tired

Fatigue versus tired

I went into bed early as I’ve been doing every night recently. Last night I didn’t wake up until 3am. I slept straight from 9-3. That is huge for me!!! Then I slept until 8. I wish I could sleep every night like that but my bladder disagrees. My bladder doesn’t usually hold for more than three hours. However even with that great night sleep I still woke up tired. I would have stayed in bed but my bladder had…

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Realistic view of multiple sclerosis disability

Realistic view of multiple sclerosis disability

It didn’t flood in the streets yesterday so no daytime pictures to show you. Although that bulldozer is still there I’m excited today because we are playing mahjong here in my building. I’m excited to play but exhausted so I’m grateful to be playing here. I feed the dogs and showered that’s it, I’m wiped out. This is why I straightened my hair because I’d never have the energy anymore to blow dry and style. I’m glad I’m still able…

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Rough night

Rough night

My fatigue set in very early yesterday making my evening extremely difficult. You know that things are bad when you don’t have the energy to get to the bathroom so when the urge comes it is instant dread. I have one of those hospital bed potty chair right next to me and I wear pads but I’m still trying to hold on to the last bit of dignity while I still can. Eventually I’ll loose that too so I am…

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I need the alone time physically and mentally

I need the alone time physically and mentally

It’s beautiful out a cool 63 degrees and I still have to have my AC on. The only downside to my condo is it’s angle. If the wind is blowing the wrong way this condo gets no air and can become hot with the morning sun. Today is that kind of day. There is no breeze out there. I hate that. I love having all the windows open and a cool breeze blowing and I’ve been robbed of it this…

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A week after Rituxan infusion

A week after Rituxan infusion

Good morning happy Monday. I thought I’d give you the rundown of how I feel a week later after my Rituxan infusion. I’m happy to say the allergic reaction is healing and I’ve had no more blisters or open sores. Very bizarre. I’m still on the antibiotic and I have two more days left. I’m glad to say I am out of the chance of infection and I’m not gonna get cellulitis. All good news. I worked out yesterday for…

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Scared for my Rituxan Infusion

Scared for my Rituxan Infusion

My big box from the pharmacy was delivered yesterday. In it was 250mg Solumedrol, 600mg of Rituxan, and a whole bunch of syringes and needles. I’ve done these infusion for years now. I’ve done Solumedrol infusion for even longer. This time opening the box made my stomach drop. I’m dreading this infusion. I’ve done it so many times yet this time I really don’t want to do it. I’m a little afraid. Years ago I was coming off of a…

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